Montclair Police Blotter for 04-11-23 to 04-18-23

Posted Thu, Apr 20, 2023, From Montclair Police
April 11, 2023 (North Willow Street): An employee of La Fontaine Café reported that one of two wooden benches located outside the cafe was missing. The bench was located on The Glenridge Avenue side of the building on the sidewalk. The bench was not secured to anything and was valued at $250.00.

April 14, 2023 (Valley Road): The manager of CVS on Valley Road reported that a white female with blonde hair wearing a black shirt, dark colored pants, and a black tote bag entered the business. This female then walked over to the freezers located in the north west corner of the store and placed approximately sixty-one Ben & Jerry Ice Cream containers, valued at $7.79 each in her bag (totaling $475.19). This female then exited the business and walked south on Valley Road. While at the corner of Preston Place, a white Jeep driving south on Valley Road pulled over and picked up the suspect. The Jeep then continued south on Valley Road where the caller sight of it.

April 15, 2023 (Bloomfield Avenue): An employee of the Shell Gas Station reported that an unknown male entered the store portion of the station at 1:22 AM and asked another customer if he could buy him a bag of chips. The customer agreed to buy the suspect a bag of chips. When the employee rang up the items, he opened the register. The suspect reached over the counter with his left arm and grabbed approximately $300 - $400 dollars of unknown denominations in cash out of the register and fled out of the store. The suspect, described as a young black male wearing a black jacket and black pants, fled on foot towards Bloomfield Avenue.

MV Crime
April 11, 2023 (High Street): The complainant reported that at some point between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM, an unknown person entered his work van and removed his lunchbox. The lunch box reportedly contained a set of vehicle and house keys, a firearms ID card, a Social Security Card, $300 in cash, and miscellaneous bills.

April 13, 2023 (Warren Place): The caller reported that he observed a black male wearing all black clothing enter his neighbors Blue Audi which was parked on Warren Place. He stated that the suspect was traveling on foot with three other individuals which were wearing similar black clothing. One suspect entered the vehicle while the other three were standing on the sidewalk west of the driveway entrance. Nothing was reported missing.

April 14, 2023 (Warren Place): The resident reported that upon hearing of multiple burglary attempts in the area, she reviewed her surveillance footage and observed an unknown individual attempt to gain entry into her vehicle. The suspect was unsuccessful in gaining entry due to the vehicle being locked. The video footage was not clear enough to depict a description of the suspect. The video shows at approximately 1:10 AM, a vehicle traveling east on Warren Place stops at the end of the resident’s driveway. An unknown suspect exits the driver side rear door and runs up to the complainant’s vehicle and attempts to gain entry. After the unsuccessful attempt, the actor gets back into the suspect vehicle and the vehicle continues traveling east on Warren Place.

April 16, 2023 (Cooper Avenue): The resident reported that his 2019 Land Rover Discovery was stolen from his driveway during the overnight hours. The vehicle was recovered hours later in Newark, NJ.

Burglary / Attempted Burglary
April 13, 2023 (Grove Street): The resident reported that his security cameras captured an unknown male on his property at 3:17 AM. He reported that the male entered on the north side of the property and can be seen walking to the rear of the home and out of sight. The male attempted to make entry to a side door which was locked. The suspect was described as a male, unknown race, wearing dark sneakers, a light-colored hooded sweatshirt, and baggy sweat pants. Entry was not gained and nothing was reported missing.

April 18, 2023 (Warren Place): The resident reported that upon waking up in the morning, she discovered broken glass by the back-porch area. She stated that there was no other damage to the screen door or the back door. She also stated that there were no other signs of forced entry. The resident believes this incident occurred between 4-16-2023 at 10:30 PM and April 18, 2023 at 8:10 AM. Nothing was missing and there is no damage to any other property.

Suspicious Incident
April 14, 2023 (Warren Place): The resident reported that at approximately 1:18 AM, she received a notification from her surveillance system that was located in the front of the residence. Upon further review of the camera footage, she observed a dark colored SUV drive west on Warren Place, pass her residence, and then proceed to reverse back to the entrance of her driveway. Two unidentified suspects then emerged from the unknown vehicle and proceeded up the driveway. Several seconds later the two suspects can be seen leaving the driveway and re- entering the suspect vehicle. The suspect vehicle then traveled west on Warren Place. The resident believes the suspects were attempting to take her 2014 BMW however, it was locked.

April 14, 2023 (Warren Place): The resident reported that he believes someone attempted to gain entry into his residence. He stated that at approximately 7:30 AM, he observed multiple hand prints on the exterior side of the first-floor windows. He added that he also observed the exterior screens to the windows had either been lifted up or slid to the side. In addition, the rear storm door located on the north side of the house was slightly ajar. There are no suspects in this incident and entry was not gained.
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