Montclair Police Blotter for 04-04-23 to 04-11-23

Posted Thu, Apr 13, 2023, From Montclair Police
April 6, 2023 (Warren Place): Officers responded to an activated home security alarm at a Warren Place residence. One of the patio doors located on the west side of the residence was found to be unlocked and open. All other exterior doors to the residence were closed and locked. Officers spoke with the homeowner who stated that he observed a suspect via video surveillance camera walking on his property toward the patio door that was opened. The suspect was described as a Black male, wearing black shoes, black pants, a black hooded sweatshirt, black face mask, and red/gray gloves. There are no known proceeds or items taken from the property.

April 8, 2023 (Elm Street): The resident reported that upon returning to his apartment, he discovered the front door was ajar. Upon checking the interior, he discovered approximately $400 missing from his bedroom closet. A Gameboy system and some clothing items were missing as well. There was no description of a suspect provided.

April 10, 2023 (Bloomfield Avenue): The manager at Dunkin Donuts reported that he arrived for work in the morning and discovered the cash drawer from the register had been stolen. Surveillance video shows a suspect walking into the building from the rear entry at 3:35 AM and is seen leaving at 3:52 AM carrying a cardboard box. The suspect is wearing all dark clothing and a hooded sweatshirt. The cash register contained approximately $150.00.

April 8, 2023 (Bloomfield Avenue): An employee of Black and White Taxi reported that he picked up a fare on Clifton Avenue in Newark and was dropping off on Maple Avenue in Montclair. Upon arrival in Montclair, the passengers did not have enough money and an argument ensued. The driver reported that he was struck in the face by one of the passengers. The passengers were described as a black male, short hair with twists, lines in his right eyebrow, light facial hair, wearing dark jeans, a black long sleeve shirt, and black vest. The other passenger was a black male, wearing a face mask and hat, with a red and black zip up jacket.

Motor Vehicle Crime
April 9, 2023 (Park Street): The owner of a 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee reported that his vehicle was entered while parked in the driveway overnight. A wallet containing credit cards was stolen. The suspect attempted to use the cards at the Montclair Exxon however the transaction was declined.
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