Montclair Police Blotter for 03-14-23 to 03-21-23

Posted Thu, Mar 23, 2023, From Montclair Police
March 14, 2023 (Grove Street): The manager at Applegate Farms reported that 120 milk crates were stolen from the property. The suspect was a customer who made a purchase with cash and was driving a silver Honda minivan. After making the purchase, he was seen pulling up to the milk crates at the rear of the property and removes the crates. He was described as a Hispanic or Arabic male, 20-30 years in age, with a thin build and a beard. The suspect was wearing blue jeans, a black hooded sweatshirt and gray hat.

March 14, 2023 (Yale Terrace): The resident reported that a package containing energy efficient home appliances was stolen from his porch. Surveillance footage shows a newer model red Honda CRV pull in front of the residence. The suspect was described as a light skinned Hispanic male in his late teens or early twenties, with a thin/athletic build wearing a New York Yankees baseball hat, black Nike hooded sweatshirt, black jeans, and black/gray sneakers. The suspect takes the package, returns to the vehicle, and flees east on Yale Terrace.

Motor Vehicle Crime
March 15, 2023 (Willowmere Avenue): The resident reported that his 2017 Grey Mazda X5 was stolen from in front of his residence between 7:15 PM and 10:15 PM. The key fob was reportedly left inside the vehicle.

Burglary / Attempted Burglary
March 19, 2023 (Upper Mountain Avenue): At 3:10 AM, the resident reported unknown individuals on his property. The residents were not home but received an alert on their phone from their surveillance system. Upon checking the video, they observed two suspects wearing dark clothing and ski masks walk up their driveway and peer into the windows of a white Porsche parked in the driveway. A second video showed one individual walk through the back patio and attempt to open the back patio sliding door which was unsuccessful. Entry was not successful.

March 19, 2023 (Valley Road): At 3:34 AM, the residents reported a burglary to their residence. The resident reported that he was woken by his alarm system. As he was investigating, he heard the floorboards “creaking” and people talking. When he announced himself, he heard the suspects fleeing from his home. Surveillance footage showed the suspects make entry into an unlocked side door. The suspects fled the residence with the homeowner’s purse. While on scene, the victim reported that someone was attempting to use her credit cards in Newark, NJ. The suspects matched the clothing description of the suspects of the attempted burglary on Upper Mountain Avenue.
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