Montclair Police Blotter for 02-28-23 to 03-07-23

Posted Thu, Mar 9, 2023, From Montclair Police
Fraud / Counterfeit
February 28, 2023 (Bloomfield Avenue): An employee of Organic Sun Market reported that an unknown male entered the store and purchased food with a counterfeit $100.00 bill. He was issued $86.00 in change before leaving. The counterfeit bill was not discovered until after the fact. The suspect was described as a black male, 5'10 to 6'0 tall, medium build, wearing a grey shirt, grey jeans, black jacket and grey cap. He appeared to be in his mid to late 40's and clean shaven.

Motor Vehicle Crime
March 3, 2023 (Prospect Avenue): The resident reported that her 2020 Audi Q7 was stolen from her driveway overnight. The victim’s key fob and purse had accidentally been left in the vehicle. The suspects used a credit card to make an unauthorized purchase at 3:43 AM at a Sunoco Station in Newark.

March 4, 2023 (Orange Road): The victim reported that his 2018 Porsche Macan was entered between noon and 6:00 PM. The center console was rummaged through and the contents were removed. It appeared that the suspect(s) attempted to steal the car due to the fact that the gear shift was in drive, the ignition key port was not in the off position, and emergency brake was engaged.

March 6, 2023 (Gordonhurst Avenue): The victim reported that she was assisting her mother into her residence and left her 2022 Porsche Macan on the street. She was inside of the residence for a few minutes and observed a black BMW SUV with Florida registration pull up to her vehicle. The BMW was occupied by four individuals. The driver was described as a black male, the passenger was a black female. Two black males exited from the rear of the BMW and entered her vehicle. The victim ran out yelling and the suspects returned to the BMW and fled east on Gordonhurst Avenue at a high rate of speed. A witness in the area observed the vehicle fleeing and stated that the occupants were throwing items out of the car. Officers collected the items and determined later that they were proceeds from a motor vehicle burglary that occurred in Bloomfield.

March 7, 2023 (Sutherland Road): The resident reported that his 2018 Audi S5 was stolen overnight. The keys to the vehicle were inside the foyer area of the backdoor on a dish which was in plain view from the rear door's glass window panes. The unknown suspect smashed the bottom left glass pane and unlocked the door before grabbing the key and exiting the residence and leaving the area with the vehicle in an unknown direction.

Burglary / Theft
March 5, 2023 (Maple Avenue): The resident reported that he woke up during the night and observed the door to his detached garage was open. He observed a tall male exit the garage and jump over the fence into a rear yard on Mission Street. He stated that he also observed a dark blue or black small SUV in the driveway, which ultimately fled in an unknown direction. The only thing he reported missing was a chainsaw valued at $300.00.

March 5, 2023 (Pine Street): The complainant reported that a package was stolen from the foyer area of her apartment building. She received a notification that her Sperry shoes had been delivered. She immediately went downstairs and before she got there, the package was gone. The shoes were valued at $117.00.

March 2, 2023 (Bloomfield Avenue): A 42-year-old male from Newark was charged with Assault after officers observed him strike an unsuspecting pedestrian on Bloomfield Avenue.
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