Tempest Productions Inc
POB 3366, Bayonne, NJ 07002-3366
POB 242, Bellefonte, PA 16823
www.tempestproductions.org info@tempestproductions.org
Tempest Productions invites you to participate in its Oh Freedom Proiect
Oh Freedom Project is a multi-media, multi-generational performing arts piece using poetry, drama,
song, and dance that explores concepts of freedom and what freedom means to you. This piece will be
shared throughout our Hudson County communities.
You are invited to participate in any or all of the 3 workshops that will be offered at the Secaucus Library.
No previous writing/acting experience is necessary. The days and times of the workshops to be
In these workshops:
We will look at questions of what freedom means to our communities. What is freedom? Are we a free
society? What does freedom look like in your life? How do you define equality and equity? How can we
work together to ensure rights for all? And what rights should we be fighting for?
First, we brainstorm and discuss. Next, we share experiences, and then we look to various mediums to
bring those stories and ideas to life. Personal Essays, Belief Statements, Songs, Scripts, and Poetry will be
some of the forms we play with.
All who are interested in exploring this topic are most welcome. We want people of all ages,
backgrounds, and experiences. How can your voice be heard?
This program is made possible by a grant from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, a division of
the Department of State, and administered by the Hudson County Office of Cultural & Heritage
Affairs, Thomas A. DeGise, Hudson County Executive & the Hudson County Board of County
* Any work developed in the Oh Freedom Project will be owned by and credited to its author(s).
To register for the workshops contact by May 31, 2023: