Secaucus Police Blotter 01/02/2023 - 01/08/2023

Posted Mon, Jan 9, 2023, From Secaucus Police
On 01/02/2023 at 6:25 AM, Officers from the Jersey City Police Department responded to Secaucus Police Headquarters located at 1203 Paterson Plank Road to transfer custody of a 46-year-old male, Sennca Nesbit of Jersey City, NJ for 1 outstanding warrant issued out of Secaucus, NJ in the amount of $1,000.00. Mr. Nesbit was also found to have 1 outstanding warrant issued out of Hoboken, NJ in the amount of $1,500.00 with a 10% option, 1 outstanding warrant issued out of Newark, NJ in the amount of $750.00 and 2 outstanding warrants issued out of Jersey City, NJ with a total amount of $500.00. Hoboken did release Mr. Nesbit on his own recognizance pending a future court date. Mr. Nesbit was not able to post bail for the involved warrant issued out of Secaucus, NJ and was subsequently transported to the Hudson County Jail.

On 01/03/2023 at 10:14 AM, in furtherance of an investigation conducted by the Secaucus Police Department Traffic Bureau pursuant to a hit and run motor vehicle crash that occurred on 11/10/2022 in which a pedestrian was struck during the crash, the police arrested a 27-year-old male, Roudy Pierre of Irvington, NJ at 101 Venture Way for Endangering the Welfare of an Injured Victim [2C:12-1.2(A)]. Mr. Pierre was issued his complaint summons along with 8 motor vehicle summonses and he was released from police custody.

On 01/03/2023 at 10:41 AM, during a motor vehicle stop, Secaucus Police arrested a 25-year-old female, Yulisa Andujar of North Bergen, NJ for 1 outstanding warrant issued out of Edgewater, NJ in the amount of $750.00 and 1 outstanding warrant issued out of Weehawken, NJ in the amount of $100.00. Both Edgewater and Weehawken did release Ms. Andujar on her own recognizance pending future court dates. Ms. Andujar was issued 2 motor vehicle summonses and was released from police custody.

On 01/03/2023 at 3:02 PM, during a motor vehicle stop, Secaucus Police arrested a 39-year-old female, Lashondai Boston of Irvington, NJ for 1 outstanding warrant issued out of Newark, NJ in the amount of $2,000.00 with a 10% option along with 1 outstanding warrant issued out of Irvington, NJ in the amount of $250.00 and 1 outstanding warrant issued out of Elizabeth, NJ in the amount of $150.00. Irvington and the Elizabeth did release Ms. Boston on his own recognizance pending future court dates. Ms. Boston was able to post bail for the outstanding warrant issued out of Newark, NJ. Ms. Boston was issued 2 motor vehicle summonses and was released from police custody.

On 01/06/2023 at 7:49 AM, Secaucus Police responded to the Dunkin Donuts located at 1351 Paterson Plank Road on a report of an individual panhandling. During the investigation, the police arrested a 34-year-old male, Anthony Hines of Passaic, NJ for Defiant Trespass [2C:18-3B] after it was found that Mr. Hines was advised on previous occasions not to return to the property. Mr. Hines was issued his complaint summons and was released from police custody.

On 01/07/2023 at 2:50 AM, Secaucus Police observed a motor vehicle stopped in the middle lane of Paterson Plank Road and Park Plaza Drive. During the investigation, the police arrested a 59-year-old female, Deyanira Delacruz of Clifton, NJ for Driving While Intoxicated [39:4-50]. Ms. Delacruz was issued her motor vehicle summons for Driving While Intoxicated along with an additional 3 motor vehicle summonses and was released into the custody of a responsible adult.

On 01/07/2023 at 2:43 PM, Secaucus Police responded to Kohl’s located at 3 Millcreek Drive on a report of a shoplifting. During the investigation, the police arrested a 46 year old male, Frank Rodrigues of Kearny, NJ for Shoplifting [2C:20-11B(1)]. During the arrest of Mr. Rodrigues for the shoplifting at Kohl’s, it was found that Mr. Rodrigues had also shoplifted merchandise from Marshall’s located at 400 Millcrek Drive and was charged with a 2nd charge of Shoplifting [2C:20-11B(2)]. Mr. Rodrigues was issued his complaint warrant for the Kohl’s incident and his complaint warrant for the shoplifting that occurred at Marshall’s and was subsequently transported to the Hudson County Jail.

On 01/08/2023 at 3:10 PM, during a motor vehicle stop, Secaucus Police arrested a 36-year-old male, Reggie Mitchell of Secaucus, NJ for 1 outstanding warrant issued out of Newark, NJ in the amount of $5,000.00 with a 10% option along with 1 outstanding warrant issued out of Hamilton, NJ in the amount of $550.00. Both the Newark along with Hamilton did release Mr. Mitchell on his own recognizance pending future court dates. Mr. Mitchell was issued 1 motor vehicle summons and he was released from police custody.

On 01/08/2023 at 9:34 PM, Secaucus Police conducted a motor vehicle stop of a vehicle that was reported to be stolen out of Jersey City, NJ in the parking lot of 20 Meadowlands Parkway. During the MV Stop, the police arrested a 23 year old male, Ramone Brown of Jersey City, NJ for Receiving Stolen Property [2C:20-7A] and Endangering the Welfare of a Child [2C:24-4A(2)]. Mr. Brown was also found to have 1 outstanding NCIC warrant from NJ State Parole. Mr. Brown was issued his complaint warrant along with 2 motor vehicle summonses and was subsequently transported to the Hudson County Jail.
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