Part-Time Ice Rink Opportunities Available

Posted Thu, Sep 8, 2022, From Secaucus Township

Ice Rink -Seasonal Part Time

The Secaucus Ice Rink opens mid October 2022, and the town is looking to hire seasonal part time workers for the fall/winter programs for the following positions:
•  Clerical – age *16+
•  Custodian – age *16+
•  Skate Guards – age *16+ (must be a skater)
•  Maintenance / Zamboni Drivers (minimum age 18+ with valid driver’s license

All applications must be submitted by October 7, 2022.

*All applicants must be 16yrs old by October 31, 2022

. Apply online at Town of Secaucus website:

Click on Government tab and scroll to Employment. Ice Rink Job application tab is top left.

The Town of Secaucus is an Equal Opportunity Employer


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