District Health Report - January 14, 2022

Posted Fri, Jan 14, 2022, From Secaucus Board of Education
Good Evening Secaucus Families,

First, I want to commend all of the faculty and staff who quickly transitioned to remote instruction last week. Second, I want to send out a “thank you” to all of the families who endured another week of remote instruction. It was a difficult time for all of us and I am happy to say we will be transitioning to full-day, in-person instruction on Tuesday, January 18.

During our week of virtual instruction, we asked all members of our school community to inform the district of any positive cases recorded after our last report on January 7th. Here is the breakdown of cases from the last week:
  • Millridge School and Huber Street School - 4 cases
  • Clarendon School - 7 cases
  • Secaucus Middle School - 5 cases
  • Secaucus High School - 8 cases
  • Custodial Staff - 1 case

The total cases this week are 25 in the district and 318 total district cases for the school year. However, in the two weeks prior, our district reported 216 positive cases. In line with the state, we have seen a sharp decrease in community cases. Therefore, we feel confident that our schools can safely open for full-day instruction going forward.

If your student is experiencing any COVID- or Flu-like symptoms, please do NOT send them to school; get them tested! We are doing our part to ensure our students, faculty, and staff are safe in the school buildings and COVID spread is at a minimum.

If you have any questions or concerns, the Parent Communication Form is still open and can be accessed here: https://forms.gle/wFy9mQYpd1HdzRuk7. The next FAQ will be posted on 1/21/22.

Thank you and enjoy the weekend!

Dr. Daniela Riser
Animals Get Angry Too
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