District Health Report and FAQs, Part 9

Posted Fri, Jan 21, 2022, From Secaucus Board of Education
Good Evening Secaucus Families,

I hope everyone is doing well and keeping warm on this chilly Friday! As we complete our first week of full-day, in-person instruction, we are pleased to announce that our district COVID-19 cases have remained relatively stable and low, in comparison to what they were earlier this month.

The number of positive cases in our district is as follows:
  • High School - 6
  • Middle School - 2 students/2 staff
  • Clarendon: 9
  • Huber: 6 students/2 staff
  • Millridge - 0

These 27 positive cases put our district total to 345 cases for the school year. At the state level, the positive cases are continuing to drop; only ⅓ as many today in comparison to the beginning of the month, when our district transitioned to virtual instruction. We feel that this is a great sign in assuring that full-day, in-person instruction may continue for the foreseeable future.

While I remain positive about our district cases declining in the upcoming weeks, we are still ensuring that masks are being worn properly and that all of our COVID-19 protocols are still in place in all of our school buildings and offices.

Again, we are asking the Secaucus community to do their part in preventing any community exposures and outbreaks that may influence our positive cases. If your child is experiencing any COVID- or Flu-like symptoms, please do NOT send them to school; get them tested!

Please enjoy the newest FAQs, which can be found below.

If you have any questions or concerns, the Parent Communication Form is still open and can be accessed here: https://forms.gle/wFy9mQYpd1HdzRuk7.

Thank you and enjoy the weekend!

Dr. Daniela Riser
Acting Superintendent

Frequently Asked Questions, Part 9

Our Parent Communication Form is still open! If there are any questions you would like to ask the district administration, please visit this link to ask: https://forms.gle/Xcx1QzgPN52JFH6DA

Q: How many of the kids' cases involve kids playing basketball and wrestling? I feel like these sports should be on hold.

A: In the past two weeks, we have not traced any of the reported cases to the sports teams that are in their winter season at the moment. According to the NCAA, all sports, both indoor and outdoor regardless of risk level, are permitted to practice and play until further notice. Although there is risk associated with such close contact, some will argue that involvement in high school sports and activities is vital to the social, emotional, and mental health of secondary students. Studies have also shown that students who are involved in sports during this time were less likely to report moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety and depression (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34038936/).

Q: I thank you for all the information provided. However, it doesn’t help when not enforced like wearing your mask below your nose or lower. I have a senior who comes home and tells me that there is no one that corrects this. I think that we have the tools let’s make sure all are using them to keep everyone safe.

A: During the last week of school being in-person, there has been no evidence of any transmission within the school buildings. In fact, there have only been two cases where there has been evidence of transmission for the entire school year in our buildings, not in the high school. We believe that we are enforcing the rules of proper mask-wearing in the high school, and in all schools, whenever possible. As a supplement to this, please speak to your children about the proper use of masks when in school and the importance of wearing masks that will protect them, even when they are outside the school buildings. Together we believe that we can prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our community before it impacts our schools.

Q: My children and their friends have reported that there is no longer social distancing at the lunch tables, and there were multiple positive cases that the week of Dec 19 that can be easily traced back to lunch tables.

A: Through our contract tracing process, there has been no evidence of any COVID-19 transmission in late December at our secondary schools. Our lunches are spaced out at the middle and high school to occupy the cafeteria, the upper and lower PAC, and, in some cases, the gymnasiums. Students are seated far enough apart to allow a distance to comfortably eat without being in close contact with others. When the weather gets warmer, we will continue to offer an outdoor option for lunches.

Q: Can we have a virtual option until COVID cases are down?

A: As a district, we feel that our schools are operating quite safely and your children are not likely to be infected with COVID-19 during the school day. Since cases around the state and our district are much lower than in previous weeks, we will not be offering a virtual instruction option at this time.

Q: Thank you for answering our questions! How can I get more money as a substitute teacher in the school district? I can get $150 across town. Also, why can’t I work 5 days in a row?

A: The district has just increased its substitute salary this school year. We have seen that increases have a positive impact on the number of substitute teachers we are hiring on a daily basis. Working for a school district 5 days in a row, when the school is operating under a full-day session, puts that employee over the 30-hour limit and subjects them to health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act. This will substantially raise costs at a time when the budget is extremely limited and set for the year. In the future, we will examine our substitute pay in comparison to other districts on a yearly basis and make any increases commensurate with other similar public school districts. However, please understand that we are subject to a 2% cap and can not continue to exceed costs beyond reasonable means.
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