Secaucus Police Enhance Training For Patrol Officers

Posted Mon, Nov 1, 2021, From Secaucus Police
The Secaucus Police Department in partnership with Special Operations Aid & Rescue (Law Enforcement Division) Charlotte, NC, will be conducting training during the first two weeks of November for patrol officers in order to provide the residents of Secaucus with an enhanced level of police service.

Constant ongoing and relevant training for police officers has always been a top priority for the Secaucus Police Department. SOARescue LE is bringing a 3-day "Tactical Patrol Officer" course to the police department in furtherance of this goal.

The TPO program is meant to provide the agency and community with a patrol officer who possesses enhanced skills and training, beyond that of a regular officer, in order to bridge the gap between patrol and specially trained and equipped SWAT personnel. By deploying officers on the street with an enhanced level of training and ability, the public we serve gains an officer who can respond and take action on a critical incident prior to the arrival of SWAT.

It is important to note that the Secaucus Police Department (as well as every other law enforcement agency) expects any sworn officer to take immediate action, alone if necessary, in order to save lives. The TPO program doesn't override this directive, but merely enhances the response capabilities of the agency.

In addition to being useful for high-profile critical incidents such as active shooters; the program provides additional training in core patrol functions such as building searches, high-risk stops, tactical medicine, and mechanical breaching, aside from marksmanship. Patrol officers may be tasked to force entry into a structure in order to render aid to an injured person or search and clear a structure for possible burglars, all in the course of a single shift. Having TPO-trained personnel makes these tasks easier and safer for all parties involved.

“As Chief of Police, I am committed to provide my officers with as much training as possible to help keep them safe and enhance their effectiveness, which correlates into providing a service to the residents of Secaucus that far exceeds the norm,” Chief Dennis Miller said. “My personnel will continue to have my support on all frontages.”

SOARescue LE would like to extend thanks to the Secaucus Police Department for allowing their officers to attend the training and applauds the administration for being proactive in finding and locating opportunities to better their officers in order to provide the best service possible for the residents of Secaucus.
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