02/19 Update on Secaucus' Coronavirus Statistics

Posted Fri, Feb 19, 2021, By Staff Writer
Like the rest of New Jersey, Secaucus is currently seeing a gradual decline in the COVID-19 infection rate. However, there were two new cases of coronavirus-related deaths reported over the past two weeks, which is a grim reminder that the infection rate is still very high compared to last summer. This can be easily seen in the shape of the graph below. (Click on any of the data points in the graph to see weekly statistics.)

Apr '20
Jul '20
Oct '20
Jan '21

In the course of the past two weeks, the total number of COVID-19 cases grew from 2,193 cases to 2,349 cases. This averages out to 78 new cases per week. Although this is still a high number, it is comparatively lower than the previous rate of 94 new cases per week from earler in the month. Specifically, the decrease works out to be an promising 17.0% drop in the infection rate. It is probably premature to conclude that this is all due to COVID-19 vaccine. After all, only a minute amount of Secaucus residents have been vaccinated so far. But whatever the reason is, many residents are enjoying the gradually decreasing infection rate by returning to activities such as dining out in restaurants. In fact, the Secaucus school board just announced that schools will re-open on Monday, March 8th for in-person learning. (All Secaucus public schools have been closed since November 9th due to the surge in coronavirus cases at that time.) Hopefully, all of this is not happening too quickly since acting hastily may have been what led to the second wave of the virus back in October/November.
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