01/28 Update on Secaucus' Coronavirus Statistics

Posted Fri, Jan 29, 2021, By Staff Writer
Back in the summer, the infection rate for COVID-19 cases in Secaucus was almost zero. So the fact that there have been approximately 500 newly reported cases in January is very disturbing. Fortunately, though, the infection rate currently seems to be on the decline compared to the beginning of the month. See the details in the graph below. (Click on any of the data points in the graph to see daily statistics.)

Apr '20
Jul '20
Oct '20
Jan '21

Over the last three weeks, the total number of COVID-19 cases grew from 1,831 cases to 2,099 cases, which averages to about 89 new cases per week. The previous average was 149 new cases per week, so the infection rate in Secaucus has dropped by a very encouraging 40% in the last few weeks. This generally corresponds with the overall infection rate in New Jersey, so the worst might be over. Of course, however, the current infection rate is till much higher than it was 3 months ago. Plus, there were five new cases of coronavirus-related deaths reported in the the past three weeks. So we are definitely not out of the woods yet. But with the vaccine beginning to be rolled out, there is reason to be optimistic that the infection rate will continue to decline.
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