9/25 Update on Secaucus' Coronavirus Statistics

Posted Fri, Sep 25, 2020, By Staff Writer
Only two new coronavirus cases were reported in Secaucus this past week. Plus, for the fifth straight week in a row, there were no coronavirus related fatalities reported. Statistically speaking, this makes the past seven days one of Secaucus' best weeks in terms of the battle against the pandemic. See the details in the graph below. (Click on any of the data points to see daily statistics.)

Apr '20
May '20
Jun '20
Jul '20
Aug '20
Sep '20

This week, the number of newly reported COVID-19 cases went up by an almost negligible 0.3% with the total number of cases only increasing from 673 last week to 675 this week. Now that schools have been open for almost three weeks, this is a great indication that the infection rate hasn't increased due to kids returning to school. Plus, with more and more retail businesses reopening, it seems that Secaucus may be well on its way to life as it was before the pandemic. Unfortunately, though, there have been signs of a coronavirus resurgence in other parts of the country as well as Europe. Hopefully, that will not be the case here.
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