9/4 Update on Secaucus' Coronavirus Statistics

Posted Fri, Sep 4, 2020, From Staff Writers
The statistics from this week mimic those from last week in that there were three new cases of COVID-19 reported in Secaucus with zero new deaths. So the coronavirus curve continues to remain relatively flat for the town as a whole. See the details in the graph below. (Click on any of the data points to see daily statistics.)

Apr '20
May '20
Jun '20
Jul '20
Aug '20
Sep '20

The number of new cases rose from 658 last week to 661 this week, which constitutes an increase of 0.5%. While this number would ideally be zero, this low infection rate does seem to indicate that the pandemic is behind us in the New Jersey area. This is why New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy approved limited indoor seating for restaurants and theaters this week. The real test, however, won't be till next week when kids return to school for in-person learning. Even though Secaucus schools will only operate on a part-time/hybrid basis, kids will be gathering in school buildings for the first time in almost six months. And despite all the safety measures that the school district has taken, there will always be a small possibility of transmission in any kind of gathering. So monitoring the town's coronavirus statistics will be imperative over the next few weeks.
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