Secaucus School Board Releases Plans for Remote Learning

Posted Sun, Mar 15, 2020, By Staff Writer
On Friday, March 13, it was announced that all Secaucus public schools will be closed for the week of March 16 to limit any potential spread of the Novel Coronavirus. Since then, the school board has released its plans for remote learning during the week long closure. The plan is broken down by three grade levels: Pre-K, Grades K through 5, and Grades 6 through 12.

For Pre-K, teachers have prepared a lesson plan for each of the five days for the students' parents. they contain detailed instructions on exactly how the parents should teach the topic to their child. The plans can be accessed here. To take attendance, parents must email their child's teacher daily.

For Grades K through 5, Google Classroom will be utilized to provide instructions for the students. The school day will follow a new schedule as follows:
9:00 to 11:00
12:00 to 2:00

During these times, teachers will assign lessons and corresponding assignments via Google Classroom. This will be done on a daily or weekly schedule depending on the grade level. Attendance will be taken daily based on the completion of a discussion or Do Now question in Google Classroom.

For Grades 6 through 12, Google Classroom will be utilized as well. In addition, the class schedule for the week will work differently. Normally, the day is broken up into 7 periods including lunch. From day to day, each student's schedule changes in order to cycle through different subjects. During the following week, though, each day's schedule will contain 10 shorter periods, and that schedule will be the same throughout all five days. With the shorter periods, students will spend at least one period in each of their subjects everyday. The new schedule will be as follows:
Period 1: 9:00 to 9:30
Period 2: 9:35 to 10:05
Period 3: 10:10 to 10:40
Period 4: 10:45 to 11:15
LUNCH: 11:15 to 12:00
Period 5: 12:00 to 12:30
Period 6: 12:35 to 1:05
Period 7: 1:10 to 1:40
Period 8: 1:45 to 2:15
Period 9: 2:20 to 2:50

During each period, teachers will assign a lesson and corresponding assignment. Attendance will be taken based on the completion of that assignment. Grades for these assignments will be entered into Realtime as usual. Further details can be found here.

Obviously, the above plan heavily depends the use of a computer with proper internet access. For low income families who currently do not have internet access, they can apply for free internet service from Comcast at For those without access to a tablet or computer, they can request the loan of a Chromebook from the Secaucus School District by filling out the form at here.

Students receiving free and reduced-priced meals from the school district may pick up their meals from the Secaucus High School Blue Gymnasium from 8 am - 10 am daily. The eligible student and proper identification must be present during pickup.

For further information on the school closure, parent should refer to the Secaucus Board of Education website at
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