Rochelle Park Police Blotter: January 15, 2025 to January 31, 2025

Posted Tue, Feb 25, 2025, From Rochelle Park Police
Rochelle Park Police Blotter

1/15/2025 10:30 AM, (Aided)
An Essex Street jewelry store reported an unruly customer. The female customer refused to leave the store and demanded a sign language interpreter. Officers de-escalated the situation and sent the customer on her way.

1/15/2025 3:43 PM, (Ordinance Violation)
A caller reported a door to door solicitor refused to display identification. The individual, a 24-year-old male from Boston, Ma., was working for an internet provider. He was not issued a solicitor's permit and was served a summons for the violation.

1/15/2025 4:28 PM (Auto Theft Recovery)
A patrolman located an unoccupied stolen vehicle parked in a Rochelle Avenue church parking lot. The vehicle, a Honda Civic, was reported stolen out of the NYPD. A locate message was sent and the vehicle was towed from the scene.

1/16/2025 7:52 AM, (DWI - Arrest)
A patrol officer observed a male party asleep behind the wheel of a Honda Civic in a Passaic Street parking lot. Signs of impairment for narcotic use were detected and field sobriety tests were administered. The driver was deemed under the influence and arrested. Several used and unused hypodermic needles were recovered inside the vehicle. Multiple summonses were issued and the driver, a 39-year-old male from Lodi, was released to the custody of a friend.

1/16/2025 8:25 AM, (Domestic Violence - Assault)
The front desk from a West Passaic Street apartment building reported a loud disturbance on the 6th floor. Responding patrol units heard arguing inside the apartment. Entry was gained and a male party was found with signs of injury. A 34-year-old female resident was arrested and charged with simple assault, no protections orders were sought.

1/16/2025 11:02 AM, (Arrest - Adult)
A 28-year-old male from Bronx, NY, responded to headquarters to request a vehicle release from the impound. The male presented a fraudulent insurance card, New Jersey temporary registration plate, and registration card. All 3 were found to be fraudulent. The male was arrested and searched incident to arrest. The search produced (4) illegally possessed prescription narcotics. The arrestee was charged with possessing C.D.S. and false government documents. The vehicle remained in the impound.

1/16/2025 3:15 PM, (Assault)
A 911 caller reported a dispute in the street near William Street. Responding units located a male reporting to be the victim of an assault. The incident began as a road rage and ended in a physical dispute. One of the involved parties fled the scene in a Nissan sedan. The victim refused medical attention. The assault was not witnessed by police, as a result, the civilian complaint process was explained.

1/18/2025 3:22 PM, (Aided)
A female party from Cherry Hill repeatedly responded to police headquarters to request a sign language interpreter. After an extensive search, an interpreter was located and summoned to headquarters. After a conversation, the female left without making a complaint or report of an incident.

1/19/2025 2:39 PM, (Breach of Peace)
A caller from A-Harvey Avenue reported a neighbor dispute. The neighbor stated that each time he exits his home to smoke a cigarette, his neighbor triggers her car alarm. No further action was requested, documentation only.

1/19/2025 8:52 PM, (Parking Complaint)
Due to an impending snow storm street parking was prohibited. DPW employees reported several vehicle disregarding the snow covered parking ordinance, causing difficulty in plowing. Officers attempted to request vehicles moved onto private property, summonses were issued to those not in compliance.

1/21/2025 9:56 AM, (Breach of Peace)
A caller reported a loud dispute at a West Passaic Street apartment building. Responding patrol units heard arguing in a 6th floor apartment. Entry was made and officers learned of a verbal dispute among dating partners. No protection orders were requested, each side was explained their options.

1/23/2025 9:13 AM, (Breach of Peace)
A resident of Cedar Drive reported hiring a contractor to perform projects around her home. During the course of the work the contractor stopped showing up to the residence. Approximately 1 month later the contractor stated that he left tools at the residence and he wanted them returned. The resident stated she does not have the tools in question. Each was explained the civil complaint process.

1/23/2025 11:14 PM, (Suspicious Person - Ambulance)
A NJ Transit bus driver reported a male party asleep on the bus, refusing to exit. Patrol located the male and could not awaken him. Patrol officers administered Narcan, and after a 2nd dose, the male regained consciousness. The male, a 60- year-old from Englewood, was transported to a local hospital.

1/24/2025 7:19 PM, (Shoplifting)
Loss prevention from a Passaic Street supermarket reported 2 female shoplifters were currently detained. The shoplifting duo paid for $180 worth of groceries, however, $348 worth of goods were in their shopping cart. The proceeds were recovered and the pair, both 22 years of age from Newark, were banned from the store. Store security will pursue complaints.

1/25/2025 11:05 AM, (Criminal Mischief)
A patrol officer reported observing graffiti on a Route 17 billboard. The graffiti was set in spray paint. Photographs of the letters were taken, detectives and the advertising company that owns the sign were contacted.

1/25/2025 5:20 PM, (Juvenile Curbside Warning)
A patrol sergeant located two juveniles playing dangerously close to a Passaic Street pond. The sergeant spoke to the children and safely guided them away from the unsafe ice conditions.

1/26/2024 5:20 PM, (Harassment)
A resident of Chestnut Street walked in to headquarters to report a suspicious occurrence. The female resident reported meeting a male on a dating website. A dinner date ensued, which did not work out. The male began to drive the female home and she abruptly exited the vehicle. The female then received harassing text messages from a spoofed phone number. No further action was requested, all contacts were blocked via her cellular phone.

1/26/2025 11:26 PM, (Theft)
An Essex Street gas station reported a theft of fuel. An attendant reported a male requested $40 worth of gasoline. The vehicle was full at $34 and the attendant requested payment. The driver exited, dropped a $1 bill on the ground to distract the attendant, and then fled in the vehicle. Due to the surveillance system updating, no footage of the incident was available.

1/27/2025 4:02 PM, (Breach of Peace)
A Rochelle Avenue pharmacy reported a dispute between two customers. Responding patrol officers found that one customer told another that they were talking too loudly on the phone while waiting in line. This exchange sparked an argument which patrol officers settled, all parties left the scene.

1/28/2025 1:13 AM, (Narcotics - Arrest Adult)
A Patrol Sergeant observed a vehicle exit a West Passaic Street hotel with several equipment violations. A consent search of the vehicle revealed heroin, cocaine, prescription pills, and narcotic paraphernalia. Patrol also observed a 5-year-old child in the vehicle. The passenger, a 48-year-old male from Franklin, was charged with (3) counts of C.D.S. possession, endangering the welfare of a child, and possession of drug paraphernalia. The arrestee was committed to the Bergen County Jail.

1/28/2025 5:31 AM, (Commercial Burglary)
A 911 caller reported a burglary to an Essex Street restaurant. Patrol arrived on scene and met with an employee who reported two cash registers missing. Officers cleared the scene, discovered entry was made through a rear door, and began to review surveillance footage. Detectives from Rochelle Park and the Sheriff's BCI Unit were summoned. Evidence was collected and the investigation is ongoing.

1/28/2025 7:35 AM, (Suspicious Vehicle)
A SLEO II Officer located a vehicle parked on Becker Avenue with its hazard lights on. A registration inquiry revealed the owners license and registration to be suspended. The vehicle was unoccupied, however, the owner returned and stated that the vehicle was uninsured. Several summonses were issued and the vehicle was impounded.

1/29/2025 9:20 AM, (Fire)
Multiple reports were made of a house fire on Becker Avenue. Responding patrol units reported all occupants safely exited the house. The RPFD and several mutual aid departments responded. A vehicle fire in the driveway quickly spread to the rear of the house. Firefighters extinguished the flames and the scene was turned over to the Building Department.

1/29/2025 1:11 PM, (Arrest -Adult)
An employee of a West Passaic Street supermarket reported 2 managers were chasing a shoplifter in the parking lot. The suspect was last seen running towards a Plaza Way mall. After a short search the suspect was located near a Paramus movie theatre. A 40-year-old male from Clifton was arrested, and charged with shoplifting. An open warrant for $2500 was found from Clifton Police. Clifton Officers took custody of the male subject.

1/29/2025 2:19 PM, (Fraud)
A 66-year-old resident of River Edge reported being contacted by a blocked number. The caller claimed to be from the Bergen County Sheriff's Office. The caller claimed the victim had warrants for her arrest due to failing to appear for jury duty. She was then instructed to withdraw $7500 from her bank and meet at a West Passaic Street supermarket to pay her fines. The victim complied and turned over her funds to an unknown male posing as a Sheriff's Officer. Detectives immediately began to review surveillance footage and are actively investigating.

1/29/2025 4:12 PM, (Breach of Peace)
A 911 caller reported a female party was punching her vehicle and then walked in to a Rochelle Avenue pharmacy. Responding officers found two females engaged in a dispute. Officers separated the two and found that the dispute was initiated in the drive thru line. No physical contact was made and each was dispersed from the area.

1/29/2025 7:09 PM, (Theft)
An employee reported a theft of fuel from an Essex Street service station. The attendant reported a male requested $50 of gasoline and then left without paying for $36 worth of fuel. Officers reviewed camera footage but could not identify a registration plate.

1/29/2025 8:14 PM, (Breach of Peace)
NJ Transit Police reported an unruly passenger on a bus. The driver reported to police that a passenger was irate and yelling at her due to missing a stop on her last ride. The passenger denied this claim. The passenger, a 39-year-old female from Paterson, was removed from the bus and provided a courtesy transport to a local shopping mall.

1/30/2025 6:47 PM, (Auto Theft Recovery)
A resident of West Passaic Street reported her vehicle stolen. A short time later she located it in a Passaic Street supermarket parking lot. The 68-year-old resident confirmed the vehicle was never stolen, simply misplaced. All stolen entries were cleared.

1/31/2025 9:34 PM, (Breach of Peace)
A caller reported a dispute between a coach and a recreation member at Midland School. Patrol responded and spoke with the recreation member who reported a coach broke the code of conduct by arguing with another coach. The coach in question left the scene prior to police arrival, and recreation members agreed to settled the conflict internally. Patrol stood by to maintain peace.

In addition, (23) suspicious persons/vehicles were vetted and (209) motor vehicle stops were conducted in a 17-day span.

A charge is not a conviction. All persons are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Charges can be amended or dismissed.
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