Rochelle Park Police Blotter: December 28, 2022 to January 3, 2023

Posted Thu, Jan 5, 2023, From Rochelle Park Police
Rochelle Park Police Blotter

12/28/2022 10:55 AM, (Suspicious Occurrence)
A Route 17 business turned in counterfeit currency acquired over a 6-month span. The currency totaled approximately $1,000 and was entered into an evidence system. Detectives made arrangements to turn the property over to the U.S. Secret Service.

12/29/2022 11:00 PM, (Community Outreach)
Officers were assigned to escort and assist a large funeral procession with traffic safety. All vehicles were safely guided throughout the Township.

12/29/2022 2:07 PM, (Criminal Mischief)
The DPW Foreman reported damage to the playing surface at Carlock Field. The field turf was burned by fireworks. The School Resource Officer is working with school officials to identify the juvenile actors recorded on surveillance cameras.

12/29/2022 3:00 PM, (Fraud)
An Oak Street resident reported being the victim of a utility scam. The victim was contacted by a fraudulent PSE&G representative and requested to load virtual gift cards from CVS with currency, failure to do so would result in his power being cut off. The victim lost $600 prior to recognizing the scam. POLICE once again warn, GIFT CARDS WILL NEVER BE REQUIRED TO PAY BAIL OR SETTLE UTILITY DEBTS, CONTACT POLICE IMMEDIATELY!

12/30/2022 10:52 AM, (Breach of Peace)
A caller reported a Grove Avenue resident to be screaming and cursing in the street about cyber bullies. Patrol located the 29-year-old male, was able to calm him down, and he agreed to return inside.

12/30/2022 11:39 AM, (Temporary Restraining Order)
A resident responded to headquarters to request a restraining order against and ex-spouse. Officers acquired necessary information, and a Municipal Court Judge granted the order. Officers served the TRO and seized weapons pursuant to the court ordered restrictions.

12/30/2022 5:29 PM, (Breach of Peace)
A customer reported a dispute with an employee of an Overlook Avenue pizza establishment. The dispute revolved around an order, and escalated when the employee requested the customer "get her husband to fight her battles". Patrol Officers deescalated the situation and the customer agreed to air her grievances with corporate offices.

12/30/2022 9:58 PM, (Property Damage)
Multiple callers on Parker Avenue report damage to Christmas decorations. The delinquent juveniles were deflating inflatable lawn ornaments. Patrol observed juvenile actors on doorbell cameras and assigned the case to the Midland School SRO.

12/31/2022 1:50 AM, (DWI Arrest)
A patrol officer heard a loud noise coming from a vehicle travelling on Passaic Street. As the vehicle came in to view he observed the front driver side tire to be missing and the vehicle was travelling on a rim. A subsequent investigation led to the arrest of a 49-year-old female from Caldwell, for driving under the influence. The driver was found to be more than double the legal limit.

1/2/20203 10:48 AM, (Temporary Restraining Order)
A resident responded to headquarters to request a Temporary Restraining Order against a former household member. Officers acquired the information, contacted the Municipal Judge, and the order was granted. Officers will attempt to serve the defendant.

1/2/2023 12:24 PM, (Arrest - Adult)
A West Passaic Street supermarket manager reported a customer refusing to pay for his groceries and refusing to leave the store. Patrol located the individual who was attempting to pay for groceries with a New York State food stamp card. The photograph, name, card number, and signature were intentionally scratched off. The 32-year-old male from NYC, provided a false name, and was additionally in possession of a Texas driver's license and debit card in different victims' names. The male was arrested and charged with Hindering Apprehension, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, and Trafficking of Personal Identifying Information.

1/3/2023 9:13 AM, (Vandalism)
A passerby reported graffiti on the Central Avenue overpass for Route 17. Patrol located a "Pacha" tag and detectives are investigating its origins.

A charge is not a conviction. All persons are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Charges can be amended or dismissed.
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