6/21/2023 2:52 PM, (Unwanted Party)
The landlord from a Rochelle Avenue grocery store reported a previously evicted
tenant returned to the property. The tenant argued about the overdue rent
payment. Officers advised that if the party did not vacate the premise they would
be charged with trespassing. All complied and the tenant was referred to civil
court proceedings.
6/21/2023 9:32 PM, (Ambulance)
A caller reported a highly intoxicated male in the area of West Passaic Street and
Paramus Road. Responding officers located a 68-year-old male, bleeding from
the head. The male acknowledged consuming several alcoholic beverages from a
nearby establishment, falling in the street, and requested transport to a hospital.
6/22/2023 7:06 PM, (Breach of Peace)
A caller from a West Passaic Street coffee shop reported an unruly customer.
Responding officers learned that the customer was unhappy about an incorrect
order at the drive thru. The male customer entered the store and threw the drink
in the direction of the employee. The female employee then threw a napkin
dispenser in the direction of the customer. The customer stated he dropped the
drink, the employee stated she dropped the napkins to clean the spill, both were
likely untruthful. Officers maintained peace and each party was advised of the
civilian complaint process.
6/23/2023 1:58 PM, (Breach of Peace)
A road rage incident was reported in the parking lot of a Route 17 business.
Officers spoke with both parties. A pedestrian claimed he was almost struck by a
vehicle backing out of a space. The driver of that vehicle stated he was punched
in the face while sitting in his vehicle. The pedestrian claimed to have not struck
anyone, however, he stated the driver told him he would "shank him". No shanks
were located on scene, and the assault was not witnessed by police. The
complaints were referred to the municipal court for civilian complaints.
6/23/2023 4:17 AM, (Breach of Peace)
A Woodland Avenue vehicle maintenance business reported a disorderly
customer. The customer had work performed on her R/V and the business did not
charge her for the service. She demanded to pay for the service, and stated, "I do
not accept charity." Officers asked the employee to accept payment from the
customer, and he complied. The paying customer was now satisfied that she
spent money on the repairs.
6/24/2023 2:34 PM, (Weapons Offense)
A motor vehicle stop on Route 17 led to the discovery of (3) illegal firearms. The
driver, a 39-year-old male from Florida, was found to be in possession of an
illegal handgun, assault rifle, and a stock-less shotgun. He was charged and
committed to the Bergen County Jail.
6/25/2023 12:50 AM, (Breach of Peace)
A 911 caller reported a road rage incident on Rochelle Avenue. One driver asked
the other if they knew how to drive. The second driver then parked next to the
other and spilled coffee on his car. Officers separated the parties, both declined to
sign complaints, and they resumed their travels.
6/26/2023 10:42 PM, (Shoplifting)
Loss Prevention from a West Passaic Street supermarket reported two parties in
custody. Two residents of Paramus (23/25) were detained for shoplifting $180
worth of groceries. Store management allowed the shoplifters to pay for the items
in lieu of charges.
6/27/2023 11:01 PM, (DWI - Arrest)
Officers conducting a motor vehicle stop were alerted to a vehicle collision on
Rochelle Avenue at Passaic Street. Responding units located a vehicle into a
telephone pole. The driver, a 36-year-old from Elmwood Park, was arrested for
suspicion of driving under the influence. A subsequent alcotest submission
recorded a reading almost twice the legal limit. Several utility companies were
summoned to inspect the pole.
6/29/2023 10:20 AM, (Arrest - Adult)
A motor vehicle stop was conducted in the area of a West Passaic Street hotel.
The driver provided a provisional driver's license with the d.o.b. of a 22-year-old.
The officer asked how old the driver was, and he stated "20". The 30-year-old
male driver from Lodi, was arrested and charged with obstruction for providing
false information to police.
6/29/2023 10:45 AM, (Fraud)
Several residents reported receiving a phone call from an officer of the RPPD.
The fraudster requested bail money for an open warrant and spoke with an Arabic
accent. Each phone call was spoofed to appear as though the RPPD number was
the source. No residents fell victim to the scam and detectives are investigating.
6/29/2023 1:32 PM (Arrest - Adult)
A motor vehicle stop was conducted on a vehicle displaying temporary Alabama
license plates. The driver, a 39-year-old from Danbury, CT., provided an
Alabama insurance and registration card. Noticing the texture of the paper was
"off", the officer phoned the insurance company and found the policy to be
fraudulent. The driver was arrested and charged with presenting false government
6/30/2023 6:56 PM (Property Damage)
A caller from Durand Place reported accidently breaking a neighbor's window.
The 20-year-old male resident struck a wiffle ball over his fence and into a
neighbor's window. The hit was likely a home run, however, not for the unlucky
resident in left field. Police contacted the victim and both parties agreed to settle
the matter in a neighborly fashion.
7/1/2023 1:01 PM (Domestic Violence Order)
Maywood PD reported locating a male resident known to be requiring service for
a temporary restraining order. The male was served and advised of the
consequence for violating the order.
7/3/2023 1:07 AM (Arrest - Adult)
A caller reported a male acting erratically in the area of a Rochelle Avenue
convenience store. The male, a 34-year-old from Paterson, was found to have
several open warrants. Officers took him into custody and located several
Oxycodone tablets without a prescription. The arrestee was charged and
committed to the Bergen County Jail.
7/4/2023 9:14 AM (Arrest -Adult)
Caller reported a household member on Chestnut Street removed license plates
from her vehicle due to a dispute about car/insurance payments. The female actor
was arrested and charged with criminal mischief. Each party agreed to spend time
apart for the time being. No protection orders were requested.
7/4/2023 7:51 PM (Arrest -Adult)
A 911 caller reported a large fight on Crescent Street. Responding patrol located
a domestic dispute, one of the female residents displayed signs of injuries. A
male household member was arrested and charged with simple assault. No
protection orders were requested.
7/4/2023 11:00 PM (Noise Complaints)
Several complaints of loud fireworks were reported throughout the Township.
Happy 4th of July!
In addition, (22) suspicious persons/vehicles were vetted and (74) motor vehicle
stops were conducted in a 14-day span.
A charge is not a conviction. All persons are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Charges can be amended or dismissed.