Rochelle Park Police Blotter: December 2, 2023 to December 16, 2023

Posted Wed, Jan 31, 2024, From Rochelle Park Police
Rochelle Park Police Blotter

12/2/2023 6:15 PM, (Welfare Check)
A caller from West Oldis Street reported his mother was kidnapped from the Garden State Plaza mall. Patrol Officers contacted the mother, found her in good health, and determined her adult son was experiencing a mental health episode.

12/3/2023 9:44 AM, (Unwanted Person)
The owner of a Passaic Street donut shop reported a male party lingering in the lobby for an extended period of time. He was additionally reported to have "made a mess of the bathroom." Officers advised the 65-year-old male from Hackensack, of the owners' request, and he left without incident.

12/3/2023 9:11 PM, (Suspicious Person)
A caller from a West Passaic Street supermarket believes she was followed. The female caller was approached by a male party weeks prior. She provided her phone number to this person, and now, was again approached by the same person in an aisle. Patrol was unable to locate the male. His number was blocked and the incident was documented.

12/5/2023 3:57 PM, (Unwanted Person)
The owner of an Eldorado Court residence reports the prior owner repeatedly arrives at his property. He also believes the previous owner to still have control of the surveillance system. The complainant was advised to disable the cameras, and contact police should the unwanted party return.

12/5/2023 10:37 PM, (Suspicious Occurrence)
A caller from Lexington Avenue reported a party wearing an oversized coat and a black back pack walked into his backyard. The activity was confirmed on surveillance cameras. Patrol located the female party on Essex Street near a convenience store. It was determined the 28-year-old female from Clifton experienced a mental health episode and required commitment to a medical facility.

12/6/2023 6:50 PM, (Vehicle Burglary(s))
Multiple callers reported forced entry burglaries to their vehicles parked at a West Passaic Street hotel. Detectives found a total of (7) vehicles with smashed windows and various proceeds removed. The investigation is ongoing.

12/6/2023 7:10 PM, (Theft)
A caller from Chestnut Street reported a package stolen from her front steps. A white Amazon package was opened and discarded at the side of her home. No camera footage of the thief was available. Patrol conducted extra checks and the victim was reimbursed for the value of the item.

12/7/2023 3:53 PM, (Breach of Peace)
A customer of a Rochelle Avenue oil change station was unhappy with his service. The customer refused to pay, and the attended proceeded to close his vehicle inside the garage bay. Police negotiated a compromise, payment was made and the door was opened.

12/7/2023 5:10 PM, (Fraud)
A resident from North Drive reported receiving an email regarding her Paypal account. The resident does not have a Paypal account. The victim phoned a number in the email, was advised she was a victim of fraud, and requested she remove $10,000 from a bank account and deposit it towards a Crypto currency account. The cash was removed from her bank, however, responding patrol advised that this was a scam and were able to prevent financial losses.

12/7/2023 11:27 PM, (Aided)
A female party walked into headquarters and requested guidance on where to buy cigarettes. A patrol officer drew a map to a local convenience store. The female party was satisfied with the service and utilized the map on her quest for nicotine.

12/8/2023 12:19 AM, (Breach of Peace)
Patrol was summoned to a Passaic Street hotel for a report of two people honking at each other. Patrol arrived on scene and located a marital dispute in separate vehicles. Responding officers assisted the combatants with a transfer of clothing, the honking ceased, and both parties went separate ways.

12/8/2023 7:17 PM, (Shoplifting)
A Rochelle Avenue liquor store reported a theft of Don Julio Tequila. The suspects, two female, paid cash for other items, but walked out with the tequila $64 bottle. Detectives were assigned.

12/10/2023 12:38 AM, (Suspicious Person)
A caller from Central Avenue reported viewing an unknown male on his property. Patrol Officers located a 21-year-old male from Irvington. The male was found to be highly intoxicated and lost. The male attended a party in the area, drank heavily, and began to walk around in an attempt to return to Irvington. The male was committed to a local hospital under the ATRA law.

12/11/2023 12:31 PM, (Theft)
A neighbor reported a male party stole a package off her neighbors' porch and fled in a black Lexus. Patrol checked the area, however, the suspect fled. Detectives are working to connect the theft to other porch pirate activity.

12/11/2023 12:32 PM, (Burglary)
An Essex Street sandwich shop reported an overnight burglary and theft. Actors entered through a rear door and targeted a floor safe. Detectives are working with surrounding agencies on a joint investigation.

12/13/2023 12:49 PM, (Narcotics - Arrest)
A patrol officer conducted a motor vehicle stop on Route 17. The driver was found to have a suspended license, the vehicle license plate was a fraudulent Georgia temporary tag, and the driver was in possession of illegal prescription drugs. The 40-year-old male driver from Hawthorne was charged with possession of prescription narcotics and false government documents.

12/14/2023 11:05 AM, (DWI - Arrest)
Police received a report of a motor vehicle accident on Route 17, one of the vehicles fled the scene. A radio broadcast was sent to surrounding agencies, and the vehicle in question was located in Hackensack. The driver was arrested for suspicion of drunk driving, and a subsequent breath test revealed a reading 3 times the legal limit. Several summonses were issued and the driver was committed to a hospital.

12/15/2023 12:26 PM, (Found Property)
A male party reported purchasing the contents of a storage unit in Bayonne. He transferred the contents to a Rochelle Park storage facility and found an AK-47 rifle with the serial number scratched off. Detectives took custody of the firearm and transferred it to Bayonne Police Department.

12/15/2023 3:52 PM, (Fraud)
A male resident of Terrace Avenue reported falling victim to a "Geek Squad" scam. He received an email confirming a fake purchase of $500. The victim called a number from the email and was told he was credited $3,000. In order to repay the excess refund, $2,500 in gift cards were requested. The numbers were then provided to the scam artist. Responding patrol educated the resident on this common scam process and a report was completed.

In addition, (28) suspicious persons/vehicles were vetted and (32) motor vehicle stops were conducted in a 14-day span.

A charge is not a conviction. All persons are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Charges can be amended or dismissed.
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