Route 4 Hackensack River Bridge Replacement Project

Posted Wed, Jan 22, 2025, From Teaneck Township
Route 4 Hackensack River Bridge Replacement Project

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), committed to developing transportation improvements that best balance transportation needs, the environment, community concerns, and costs, is holding a Virtual Public Information Center (PIC) to provide information on the Route 4 Hackensack River Bridge Replacement Project. You are encouraged to actively participate by providing comments by mail or email.

The Presentation
The Virtual PIC will be held online from Monday, January 27, 2025 through Friday, February 7, 2025. Please visit the following website at a time that is convenient for you:

You will have an opportunity to view a presentation, review project information and submit comments or questions. Property owners with rental units are advised that tenants are also invited and encouraged to participate.

If you are unable to view the presentation but are interested in learning more about this project, please contact NJDOT at the email or phone listed below.

Project Background
The purpose of the project is to replace the Route 4 Bridge over the Hackensack River, which is in poor condition, while maintaining transportation and pedestrian access between the City of Hackensack and the Township of Teaneck.

The structure was built in 1931 and is nearing the end of its service life. It is requiring increased maintenance repairs to allow it to remain open to traffic.

Bridge Replacement and improvements:
The design plans are to replace the bridge with a widened cross section that maximizes the use of the NJDOT's existing right of way. The bridge replacement will provide three standard travel lanes, an auxiliary lane and six-foot sidewalks with separation barriers in both eastbound and westbound directions.

Additional improvements include:
  • Sidewalk connectivity
  • ADA-compliant curb ramps
  • Standard bridge railing
  • New guide rail at the bridge approaches
  • Improved signage and lighting
  • Emergency responder river access accommodations
  • Accommodation for proposed Bergen County
  • Hackensack Pathway project for pedestrian & bike access

Environmental Information
The environmental screening and studies were conducted to identify the natural resources and cultural/historic resources within the project area. The documentation and permits will be completed as required in coordination with the Federal and State agencies during the next phase of the project.

Construction Staging & Traffic Management
Construction will be performed in multiple stages. For each stage, Route 4 will remain open to traffic at all times; however, any temporary ramp and lane closures, when necessary, are to be scheduled during off-peak hours. Detours will direct motorists and pedestrians to use alternate routes when needed.

At all times, traffic management methods will be used to accommodate the required construction operations and mitigate work zone effects for safe access and continued vehicular and pedestrian mobility throughout the construction phase.

Estimated Schedule
Complete Final Design: Summer 2025
Start Construction (anticipated)*: Winter 2026
Construction Completion (anticipated): Fall 2031

*Contingent upon funding availability

Please submit comments by Friday, February 28, 2025 to

For more information, please contact:
Shivon Harris, Regional Coordinator
New Jersey Department of Transportation
Office of Government & Community Relations
PO Box 600, Trenton, NJ 08625-0600
Phone: 609-963-1982
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