Montclair Police Blotter: December 3, 2024 to December 10, 2024

Posted Tue, Dec 10, 2024, From Montclair Police
Montclair Police Blotter

December 3, 2024 (Carolin Road): The complainant reported that his work vehicle was entered and $600.00 was stolen from the center console. A witness reported observing a black male exit the passenger side of a black BMW SUV. He then observed the male open the driver's side door of the victim’s pickup then get back into the black SUV and drive east bound on Carolin Road.

December 3, 2024 (Christopher Street): The victim reported that after completing work at a Christopher Street residence, he entered his truck and observed the center console open. A leather pouch containing personal documents was stolen. While taking information for the report, the officer was approached by three additional victims who reported that their vehicles were also entered. Backpacks containing clothing and personal documents were the reported proceeds.

December 3, 2024 (Park Street): The resident reported that a package was removed off of the front porch of her home. Surveillance video shows the package was delivered at 2:23 PM. At 2:26 PM, a black male, wearing a black puffer jacket, dark colored shorts, black shoes, a black ski mask and holding a blue Walmart grocery bag, walks onto the property and removes the package. The package contained a pair of Apple headphones.

December 4, 2024 (Valley Road): Management at King’s Supermarket reported that while conducting an audit, they discovered approximately $1200 in meat was missing. A check of surveillance shows two Hispanic males approach the steak aisle and remove 35 different steak items. They fled the store without making payment.

December 9, 2024 (Warren Place): The resident reported that his 2021 Volvo XC9 was stolen from his driveway during the overnight hours. It was ultimately recovered later in the day in Newark.
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