Tenafly Mayor's Message, November 15, 2024

Posted Fri, Nov 15, 2024, From Borough of Tenafly
Tenafly Mayor's Message, November 15, 2024

News Update from the Mayor
November 15, 2024

Hello. This is Mayor Mark Zinna with a Friday news update.

The DPW will be working this Saturday collecting leaves to supplement the ongoing daily collections they are doing during the week. Please be cautious and take your time when driving near the work crews.

The trails at the Nature Center will continue to be closed until further notice due to the ongoing drought and statewide wildfire activity. Staff supervised classes and programs will continue to run as scheduled. Please check tenaflynaturecenter.org for the most up to date info regarding closures and programs. We will see you on the trails again soon!

This Saturday at 10 am families with children ages 3 to 7 can attend Nature Story Time at the Nature Center where you will enjoy a nature-themed story and a visit from one of TNC’s Animal Ambassadors.

Come join the fun and the bargains at Church of the Atonement's famous Country Fair, which takes place this Saturday, November 16 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Admission is free, and includes Tricky Tray, Silent Auction, thousands of sale items, Christmas Booth, Book Nook, Bake Sale, homemade soups, and a free bounce house for the kids. Atonement is located at 97 Highwood Avenue at the corner of Highwood and Engle.

This Sunday, November 17 at 4:30 pm at the Presbyterian Church, Jason Hart, who teaches piano to students in his nearby studio, will perform Chopin’s 24 preludes, Opus 28. Listening to the preludes being performed in one concert is an exceptional experience.

Calling all singers to join the community choir rehearsals on Wednesday, November 20 and December 4 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm, culminating in a candlelit service on December 8 in the Old Stone Chapel at 6:30 pm. Ages 14 and up welcome at the Presbyterian Church.

Tenafly High School Theatrical Productions will be presenting Neil Simon's Rumors on November 21, 22 and 23 at 7:30 pm at THS. Tickets are $10 at the door and can be reserved online at thstheater.org. Don’t miss this chance to enjoy a hilarious show while supporting our talented students!

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel will be celebrating its 150th anniversary and its recently renovated church with a Mass at 5 pm on November 23. The Mass is open to the public and will include choral and organ music. Come see the renovated church featuring its refreshed stained glass windows that date back to the original 1878 chapel, terrazzo floor and other features. A bejeweled chalice donated by parishioners in the 1920s as a memorial of local residents who gave their lives in World War I will be used in the Mass.

The Recreation Winter Program, Sports and Event Guide is available today November 15. Registration for residents begins November 25. Visit the Borough website under Parks & Recreation for more information.

Tenafly Holiday Fair is coming on December 14th. Please sign up to participate by sponsoring the event, presenting a vendor booth in the artisan market, or volunteering to run an engaging activity. Participation is filling up fast, please register here: https://www.tenaflychamber.org/holiday-fair

Enjoy your weekend,
Mayor Mark Zinna
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