Public Notice of General Election November 5, 2024

Posted Wed, Sep 25, 2024, From Sussex County Prosecutor's Office
Public Notice of General Election November 5, 2024

A General Election to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 between the hours of 6:00 am and 8:00 pm for the election of candidates and consideration of public questions. The offices to be filled are as follows:
  • One (1) President (4 year term)
  • One (1) U.S. Senate (6 year term)
  • One (1) U.S. House of Representatives (2-year term)
  • Two (2) Member, County Commissioner (3-year term)

In addition, the Municipal offices and questions under consideration are as follows:
Andover Borough
Two (2) Members, Borough Council (3-year term)
Andover Township
Two (2) Members, Township Committee (3-year term)
Branchville Borough
Two (2) Members, Borough Council (3-year term)
Byram Township
No Municipal Election
Frankford Township
One (1) Member, Township Committee (3-year term)
Franklin Borough
Two (2) Members, Common Council (3-year term)
One (1) Member, Common Council (2-yr term)
Fredon Township
Two (2) Members, Township Committee (3-year term)
Green Township
One (1) Member, Township Committee (3-year term)
Hamburg Borough
Two (2) Members, Borough Council (3-year term)
Hampton Township
Two (2) Members, Township Committee (3-year term)
Hardyston Township
One (1) Member, Township Council (3-year term)
Hopatcong Borough
Two (2) Members, Borough Council (3-year term)
Lafayette Township
One (1) Member, Township Committee (3-year term)
Montague Township
Two (2) Members, Township Committee (3-year term)
Town of Newton
Two (2) Members, Township Council (4-year term)
Ogdensburg Borough
Two (2) Members, Common Council (3-year term)
Sandyston Township
One (1) Member, Township Committee (3-year term)
Sparta Township
Two (2) Members, Township Council (4-year term)
Stanhope Borough
Two (2) Members, Borough Council (3-year term)
Stillwater Township
Two (2) Member, Township Committee (3-year term)
Sussex Borough
Two (2) Members, Borough Council (3-year term)
Vernon Township
No Municipal Contests
Walpack Township
One (1) Member, Township Committee (3-year term)
Wantage Township
One (1) Member, Township Committee (3-year term)

Hopatcong. Bond Proposal
The Board of Education of the Borough of Hopatcong in the County of Sussex, New Jersey is authorized: (a) to provide for renovations, alterations and improvements at Hopatcong High School, Hopatcong Middle School, Durban Avenue Elementary School and Tulsa Trail Elementary School, including acquisition and installation of equipment, site work and related work and costs; (b) to appropriate $9,897,300 for such purposes and (c) to issue bonds of the school district for such purposes in the principal amount of $9,897,300.

The final eligible costs of the projects approved by the commissioner of Education are $9,897,300 (with $5,942,600 allocated to Hopatcong High School, $699,300 allocated to Hopatcong Middle School, $459,400 allocated to Durban Avenue Elementary School and $2,796,000 allocated to Tulsa Trail Elementary School). The projects include $0 for elements in addition to the facilities efficiency standards developed by the Commissioner of Education or not otherwise eligible for State support pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:7G-5(g). The State debt service aid percentage will equal 40% of the annual debt service due with respect to the final eligible costs of the projects. The Board of Education is authorized to transfer funds among the projects approved at this election. Do you approve this bond proposal?

Stanhope Borough Cannabis Question Referendum
Shall the Stanhope Borough Council adopt an Ordinance revising the Stanhope Borough Code, to allow cannabis retail businesses within the Borough of Stanhope?

Interpretative Statement
This referendum seeks non-binding public input as to whether the Borough’s current Cannabis Ordinance, Section 100-52.1, should be revised to allow cannabis businesses. A Yes vote on referendum question will mean that the voters desire that cannabis retail businesses be permitted within the Borough of Stanhope.

The following is a list of local school district Board of Education openings are as follows:
Andover Regional
Andover Twp. - Three 3-year terms
Frankford Township
Branchville - Three 3-year terms
Frankford – Three 3-year terms
Franklin Boro
Three 3-year term
Fredon Township
Two 3-year term
Green Township
Three 3-year terms
One 1-year term
Hamburg Borough
Three 3-year terms
Hampton Township
Three 3-year terms
Hardyston Township
Three 3-year terms
High Point Regional
Branchville – One 3-year term
Frankford – One 3-year term
Lafayette – One 3-year term
Sussex – One 2-year term
Hopatcong Borough
Three 3-year terms
One 1-year term
Kittatinny Regional
Fredon - One 3-year term
Hampton- Two 3-year term
Stillwater – One 3-year term
Lafayette Township
Two 3-year terms
One 2 year term
Montague Township
Two 3-year terms
Lenape Valley Regional
Byram – Two 3-year term
Town of Newton
Three 3-year terms
Ogdensburg Borough
Two 3-year terms
Two 2-year terms
Sandyston Walpack Consolidated
Sandyston - Three 3-year terms
Walpack – One 3-year term
Sparta Township
Three 3-year terms
One 2-year terms
Stanhope Boro
Two 3-year terms
Stillwater Township
Three 3-year terms
Sussex-Wantage Regional BOE
Wantage – Three 3-year terms; One 2-year term
Vernon Township
Three 3-year terms
One 2-year term
One 1-year term
Wallkill Valley Regional
Hamburg – One 3-year term
Hardyston – Two 3-year term

THE DEADLINE TO REGISTER TO VOTE FOR THIS GENERAL ELECTION IS OCTOBER 15, 2024. In order to vote in this election, a person must be registered to vote at least 21 days before the election, be a citizen of the United States, a resident of the state of New Jersey and Sussex County for thirty days, and shall have attained the age of 18 years by Election Day, November 5, 2024.

Registration of voters is available at the office of the Sussex County Board of Elections, 83 Spring Street, Suite 305, Newton, New Jersey, weekdays between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, and until 9:00 pm on October 15, 2024, or at the office of the Municipal Clerks in the voter’s community during regular business hours. Registration forms are also available at the Division of Social Services, Motor Vehicle Commission, and Division of Developmental Disabilities.

Anyone wanting to register by mail may do so by requesting forms from the Sussex County Board of Elections, telephone 973-579-0950, or by downloading the form at

You must register to vote in this election if:
1. You have never been registered before; or
2. You have moved into Sussex County from another town or state; or
3. You have changed your name due to marriage, divorce, etc.

Any voter who is registered to vote in Sussex County and moved to another address within Sussex County should transfer his/her registration to the new address by October 15, 2024 to assure that they will be able to vote in the proper election district without being required to take additional steps. This is accomplished by notifying the Board of Elections in writing. Such notice must be signed by the voter and must include the voter’s prior address, the name of the road on which the voter now resides and corrected mailing address (if different from the residence address). Change of Residence forms are available by calling 973-579-0950 or by downloading them at Otherwise, the voter may correct their address and vote by provisional ballot at the polling place of the district in which the voter resides on the day of the election.

A Voter’s Bill of Rights, which includes instructions for the use of the voting machine and alternative ballots, and instructions on how to contact the appropriate officials if your right to vote has been challenged or violated will be posted at each polling location and may be obtained by calling the Board of Elections or may be viewed by logging onto

Persons unable to vote at the polling place due to a physical disability may request a mail-in ballot application by telephoning the County Clerk at 973-579-0900. The office of the Board of Elections may be contacted for information regarding polling place assignments and assistance to disabled voters who choose to vote at the polling place on Election Day. The telephone number is 973-579-0950. Pursuant to the provisions of the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act of 1984 (P.L. 98-435), a telecommunication device for the deaf (TDD) is maintained by the Division of Elections, Department of State, Trenton, NJ. Persons wishing to utilize this service to obtain general voter information may do so by dialing 1-609-292-0034. Pursuant to NJSA 18:8.3.2, if a polling place is inaccessible, a voter may be reassigned, upon request, to an accessible polling place that has a common ballot with the voter’s election district.

Three Early Voting sites will be open on the following days and locations for any voter wishing to vote in-person prior to Election Day on October 26th – November 3th. Polls are open Monday – Saturday 10am – 8pm, and Sundays from 10am – 6pm at the following locations:
  • Louise Childs Library, 21 Sparta Rd, Stanhope, NJ 07874
  • Cochran House, 83 Spring Street, Newton, NJ 08760
  • Wantage Library, 69 County Rd 639, Wantage, NJ 07461
Any voter wishing more information about their polling location may contact the Sussex County Board of Elections at 973- 579-0950 between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm or may visit or visit the New Jersey Division of Elections website,

Information on Vote-By-Mail Drop Boxes is available at or by calling the Board of Elections at 973-579-0950.


Take Notice that a Public Test of the Electronic Voting Equipment for the upcoming General Election will be held 9:00 am – 11:00 am on Friday, October 18, 2024 at the Sussex County Board of Elections office at 83 Spring Street, Suite 305, Newton, NJ. The public is invited to attend.

You are hereby advised of the following procedure to be used for the General Election on November 5, 2024:
  1. Any person attempting to vote may be challenged on a public question by a duly authorized challenger or by a member of the district board of elections (poll worker) because the challenger or board member has good cause to believe that the voter is not entitled to vote.
  2. Members of the district board and all duly authorized challengers are prohibited from challenging, delaying or preventing the right to vote of any person because of that person’s race, color, national origin, expected manner of casting a vote, or residence in a particular ward, housing complex or section of a municipality.
  3. A person who is challenged by a duly authorized challenger or by a member of the district board of elections may seek to establish his or her right to vote by swearing out and signing an affidavit attesting to the voter’s qualifications and/or providing a suitable identifying document from inspection, which may be, but is not limited to, the following: a valid New Jersey driver’s license, a sample ballot with the voter’s name and address, an official Federal, State, County or Municipal document, a utility or telephone bill or tax or rent receipt (dated) or a piece of mail postmarked on or after the 60th day before the election. A copy of the affidavit signed by the challenged voter shall be given to that person. The district board members shall determine the validity of the challenge by voting on it pursuant to NJSA 19:15-24.
  4. Any challenger who succeeds in denying a voter the right to vote must sign an affidavit stating the reason why the voter is not entitled to vote and must furnish a copy of the affidavit to the challenged voter. The district board may, in its discretion, require that the challenger affidavit be signed when the challenge is made.
  5. Any person who is denied the right to vote by reason of a successful challenge made at the polls may seek permission to vote by going before the Superior Court Judge at Newton to seek a court order allowing that person to vote. The applicant should take copies of any affidavits given to him or her at the polls and any proof submitted at the polls in support of that person’s right to vote.
  6. Forms to register complaints about the conduct of an election shall be available at each polling place in the county. Further information can be obtained by contacting the members of the Sussex County Board of Elections at 973-579-0950.
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