Newark Water and Sewer Utilities Announces New Billing Procedure

Posted Fri, Sep 20, 2024, From City of Newark
Newark Water and Sewer Utilities Announces New Billing Procedure

Mayor Ras J. Baraka announced today that the Department of Water & Sewer Utilities changed its billing cycle beginning this month. The new cycle ensures customers will receive their bills by the 15th of each month and will have 15 days to pay the bill after they receive it.

As the post-COVID economy strengthens, the department will offer forgiveness for accrued interest and penalties to customers with outstanding bills who pay in full by Thursday, October 31, 2024. Payment plans are also available by calling (973) 733-6370.

“Keeping a regular monthly household budget and paying bills on time is not always easy. So I am grateful to our Department of Water and Sewer Director Kareem Adeem for developing this improved billing plan to enhance efficiency and customer service,” said Mayor Baraka. “I’m especially happy about the department’s one-time fees and interest amnesty program to give residents and businesses a clean slate moving forward.”

“We are improving the system so customers will know exactly when to expect their bills, when to pay them, and when they will be subjected to interest charges and other penalties. This way, the billing cycle is more transparent and user-friendly,” said Director Adeem. “The temporary amnesty program helps customers who are in arrears to get a fresh start, but people who don’t take advantage of this program will find their unpaid balances in full, including back interest and penalties, transferred to water liens against their property. So, we encourage everyone to take advantage of this program and pay their bill.”

Customers are also advised that this month’s bill may be higher than usual to reflect August and September balances. The department appreciates customer cooperation as these billing cycle changes are made.

For more information, please visit the Newark Department of Water & Sewer Utilties website at Questions or concerns relating to these changes should be directed to the Newark Water and Sewer customer service unit at (973) 733-6370.
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