Tenafly Mayor's Message, September 20, 2024

Posted Fri, Sep 20, 2024, From Borough of Tenafly
Tenafly Mayor's Message August 16, 2024

News Update from the Mayor
September 20, 2024

Hello. This is Mayor Mark Zinna with a Friday news update.

There will be a Public Information Meeting to discuss storm water and cleanup of the Tenakill and Overpeck waterways on Tuesday, September 24 at Borough Hall beginning at 7:00 pm.

Tenafly Public Schools Referendum: After the polls closed on September 17, the margin was too close to indicate a result. The county will certify the results in 15 days, after all outstanding mail-in and provisional ballots are verified and counted. Updates will be shared as more information becomes available. In the meantime, thanks to all our community members for taking the time to learn about the proposal and vote.

Please remember to cut back the growth of bushes, grass, and trees from your sidewalks especially now that kids are back in school and more people are using the sidewalks.

The Red Bulls are excited to welcome Tenafly High School boys soccer fans to Red Bull Arena for their match this Saturday at 7:30 pm. Proceeds help our boys soccer team play on the field at Red Bull Arena against Paramus High School on Tuesday, October 1 at 7:00 pm! For details please visit: https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/tenaflyhs

Note that Geissinger Field and well as the track and grass area are not open to the public when in use by the High School. This is to ensure the safety of our student-athletes and coaches.

Join the Borough of Tenafly, the League of Women Voters, and many honored guests as we celebrate women’s voting rights. We will honor the contribution of Tenafly's own Elizabeth Cady Stanton and celebrate the 19th amendment and the "sister city" status that we now have with Seneca Falls, New York, the suffragist's other important home. Refreshments will be served. It's free and all are welcome! 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on Sunday, September 29 at Borough Hall in the Council Chambers.

Join the Tenafly Library Friends for their annual Manhattan Short Film Festival. Watch short films from around the world and vote for your favorites. Films are for adults and will be shown in the Library Friends Room on Sunday, September 29 at 1:00 pm, Monday, September 30 at 6:00 pm, and Tuesday, October 1 at 2:00 pm. The same films will be shown at each screening.

Enjoy seasonal fun at the Nature Center this Sunday! During the day, visitors of all ages are welcome to take part in an Apple Cider Making program. Learn about the history of apple cultivation and cider making and experience one of the original ways of making fresh, crisp apple cider. Sunday evening adults and families with children 4 and up can celebrate the changing season at TNC with a night hike, followed by a toasty campfire with s’mores at their Fall Equinox Campfire and Night Hike program. Register for both of these and more at tenaflynaturecenter.org

September 22 at 6 pm is an international potluck dinner. Bring a dish to represent your favorite traditional family meal and celebrate the diversity of our community through food. Mommy, Daddy & Me, every Saturday from 10:00 am to 11:30 am beginning on September 28. Ages 5 and under welcome with caregiver. Fun and creative play and social time. And, Sunday, September 29 at 4:30 pm is a book event: "Played", in conversation with author, Glenn Allen about his gripping novel regarding the 1936 Berlin Olympics. All at Presbyterian Church, 55 Magnolia. For details call 201-567-0111.

Tenafly’s Fall Festival is Sunday, October 20 in Huyler Park from Noon to 5:00 pm. All Tenafly based businesses and organizations are invited to participate. Please sign up at: https://mainstreetpops.com/fall-fest-tenafly-nj/.

ACEing Autism, is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help children with Autism Spectrum Disorder grow, develop and benefit from social connections and fitness through affordable tennis programming at the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades. It will run every Sunday until October 20 (except October 13), from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. If you are interested in signing your child up (ages 5-18) to participate, or if high school students and adults want to volunteer - please email kaplenjcc@aceingautism.org.

Thursday, November 14 at 6 pm is the “Sports Night of Champions” bringing together athletic icons, local legends, and the members of our community to celebrate their impact in the world of sports: not only in New Jersey, but around the globe. Since the founding of the Kurtz Family New Jersey Jewish Sports Hall of Fame in 2019, the event has also featured the induction ceremony of three classes of prominent leaders and athletic standouts with a connection to the state. Fun for the whole family! Enjoy a delicious dinner and a full open bar, while kids will have a blast with tasty tailgating treats and exciting games. For details visit, www.jccotp.org/sportsnight

Enjoy your weekend,
Mayor Mark Zinna
Restaurants You Want To Avoid
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