Free Expungement Clinic Scheduled for May 2, 2024 in Morristown

Posted Fri, Apr 12, 2024, From Morris County Prosecutor's Office
Free Expungement Clinic Scheduled for May 2, 2024 in Morristown

The inaugural Morris County Free Expungement Clinic will be held on Thursday, May 2, 2024, from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. at Calvary Baptist Church, 10 Martin Luther King Avenue, in Morristown.

No appointment is needed. Those interested in pursuing an expungement will be able to speak with an attorney to see whether certain non-violent convictions can be expunged, which means they will be erased from their criminal history. This is an entirely free service, which would be very costly if done through a private attorney.

Morris County Prosecutor Robert Carroll thanked Pastor Rev. Jerry M. Carter, Jr., Ph.D. for his support, assistance, and willingness to host the event.

Prosecutor Carroll said, “For individuals who have managed to turn their lives around after finding themselves involved with the criminal justice system, they can create a better future for themselves, their families, and our community by obtaining an expungement. We encourage anyone who may need this service to come to the clinic to learn more about the process.”

Morris County Deputy Public Defender Susan McCoy said, “We are excited for this collaborative effort between the Morris County Prosecutor’s office, our office (the Office of the Public Defender), the Sherriff’s Department, and the private Bar. We have dedicated our cost-free services on behalf of the community in an effort to lessen recidivism and allow citizens a fresh start in the working community. Many thanks to Pastor Rev. Jerry M. Carter for offering to host this event at the Calvary Baptist Church. This extraordinary event would not be possible without the complete cooperation and donated time from all the stakeholders.

Morris County Bar Association President Bethany Abele said, “The Morris County Bar Association is pleased to be collaborating with the Morris County Bar Foundation, the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office, Morris County Public Defender’s Office, Morris County Sheriff’s Office, and Calvary Baptist Church on this important program. I would personally like to thank everyone involved in putting this event together, for their hard work, and to thank all of the attorneys who have so generously volunteered to participate in the Expungement Clinic on May 2.”

Morris County Bar Foundation President, Lawrence Cutalo, stated, “The Morris County Bar Foundation and its members are proud to serve our community by participating in the Morris County Free Expungement Clinic. This worthwhile event will surely benefit the public and I thank our members, Morris County Bar Association, the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office, Morris County Public Defender’s Office, Morris County Sheriff’s Office, and Calvary Baptist Church, for developing it over the last year. I also thank all of the attorneys and others who volunteered their time to assist those pursing expungements through this event.”

Those who plan to attend and speak with an attorney about a possible expungement should bring any information they have about the case they are hoping to address. However, if that information is not in your possession, it can be retrieved electronically at the clinic.

The Morris County Bar Foundation will provide free lunch to the members of the public seeking expungements.

In addition to the expungement assistance, Morris County Sheriff Office staff will be on hand to provide information about the following social service programs:
  • Free Narcan
  • Substance Use Services
  • Mental Health Services
  • Social Services Benefits
  • Re-Entry Services

The event is being made possible through a partnership between the Morris County Bar Association, Morris County Bar Foundation, Morris County Prosecutor’s Office, Morris County Public Defender’s Office, Morris County Sheriff’s Office, and the Calvary Baptist Church.
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