Tenafly Mayor's Message April 5, 2024

Posted Fri, Apr 5, 2024, From Borough of Tenafly
News Update from the Mayor
April 5, 2024

Hello. This is Mayor Mark Zinna with a Friday news update.

On April 8 a solar eclipse will occur. Safety is the priority if viewing an eclipse. Please be familiar with the importance of wearing eye protection by reviewing safety guidelines at www.Science.nasa.gov. The eclipse is happening at approximately 3:25 pm, the heart of driving home from school time, please be careful while driving.

Learn to Country Line dance, Watercolor Paint or Canasta! Wednesday evening classes are held at the Senior Center beginning May 8 at 6:30 pm. Join for a 6 week class. The cost of the classes are $85.00 for the full session. Call the Center or stop in for details.

This Saturday, April 6, if you are looking to explore your artistic side you can visit the Nature Center for Crafty Critters. After a visit with an Animal Ambassador, you will use your imaginations and create an artistic version of your new animal friend. Register at tenaflynaturecenter.org.

This weekend's Lost Brook Trail Race will be rescheduled, due to storm damage on the trail.

The Tenafly Library Friends are pleased to present the Academy Award winning movie, Holdovers, starring Paul Giamatti. Showtime is Tuesday, April 9 at 11 am in the library Friends room. Watch for upcoming movies shown monthly on Tuesdays at the library.

The Tenafly Welcome! Committee and the Nature Center are hosting a special afternoon for New Residents on Sunday April 14 at the Nature Center from 1 pm to 3 pm. Lunch and dessert will be served and a tour of the Nature Center will be given. Invitations for new residents are in the mail.

The Korean Community Center is hosting a new mixed medium art exhibition now through April 13 hosted by curator Julie Jang. Visit the KCC at 100 Grove Street and enjoy the exhibit.

Tenafly is hosting its annual town-wide Trash-a-Thon on Sunday, April 28 from 1 to 4 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend as we clean up our community and raise donations for the Nature Center. Volunteer to collect litter or sponsor a volunteer. Register at tenaflynaturecenter.org

Save the date: The Tenafly Spring Fling is May 4th! A spring event for the whole family to enjoy! A day of food, fun, games, art and more.

In Tenafly Public Schools news: Solar eclipse, outstanding student accomplishments, and more! Check out our latest newsletter: https://www.tenaflyschools.org/our-district/let-s-talk-tps-a-bi-weekly-communication/2024-03-27

Support the Summer Concert Series - become a friend of the music. Exciting new additions this summer with Salsa in the Park by Gift of Dance’s Sasha Nagorny and the David Cedeño Latin Ensemble, as well as Grammy Award winning C Lanzbom’s SOUL FARM. For information about supporting the Summer Concerts please email Amy Kneisler at: akneisler@tenafly.net

Enjoy your weekend,
Mayor Mark Zinna
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