Tenafly Mayor's Message March 1, 2024

Posted Fri, Mar 1, 2024, From Borough of Tenafly
News Update from the Mayor
March 1, 2024

Hello. This is Mayor Mark Zinna with a Friday news update.

The Recreation program guide for Spring and Summer sports, programs, and camps is available and registration is open. Visit the Borough website under Parks & Recreation for details.

This Sunday, March 3rd at 10:30 AM at the JCC, hear the voices of three strong women with unique ideas to share. Celebrate female authors, their persistence, and the power of their word. Featuring authors Lisa Belkin, Marion Nestle, and Emi Nieteld. For details visit: https://www.jccotp.org/

For a Tenafly Schools update: Women's History Month, Student Achievements, Setting Records, and more! Check out the latest district newsletter HERE.

This Saturday, March 2nd at 2 pm adults and children 4 and up who want to explore their artistic side can visit the Nature Center for Crafty Critters. Meet a live animal and explore their creative and crafty side! After an up close visit, imaginations are utilized to create an artistic version of your new animal friend. Register today at tenaflynaturecenter.org

On Tuesday, March 5 at 1:00 pm the Senior Center is having their monthly Koffee Klatch and you are invited to join! Tour the Center and learn about their programs and activities. Mingle with members while enjoying a cup of coffee and some St. Patrick’s Day treats.

Sign up for the Nature Center's Legacy Brunch on Sunday, March 10th. Celebrate TNC's mission and honor Life Members for their support. Enjoy brunch and learn about exciting new projects to help TNC. To register for sponsorships, journal ad placements and tickets visit tenaflynaturecenter.org/annual-fundraiser.

Save the date! May 4 is the Tenafly Spring Fling. This exciting community event will host 60 plus vendors featuring plants, flowers, jewelry, clothing, candles, flowers, artwork and more. Plenty to eat with food trucks offering fabulous menus. Face painting, live music, a carousel and art activities. It will be a fun day for the entire community.

Enjoy your weekend everyone.
Mayor Mark Zinna
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