Montclair Police Blotter 01-31-2024 to 02-06-2024

Posted Tue, Feb 6, 2024, From Montclair Police

February 1, 2024 (Bloomfield Avenue): Employees at Ascend reported that an individual attempted to purchase two 3.5-gram packages of marijuana using Apple Pay. When he was advised that Ascend does not accept Apple Pay, the suspect grabbed the two packages and fled the store, last seen west on Bloomfield Avenue towards Glenridge Avenue. He was described as a white male wearing a black jacket and grey hooded sweatshirt.

Burglary / Attempted Burglary

February 3, 2024 (Porter Place): The resident reported that his home was burglarized and his vehicle was stolen. Entry into the home was gained through a first-floor front window. Two suspects made entry into the home and located the keys to a 2021 Cadillac Escalade. The suspects were described as a dark-skinned male, wearing a black ski mask, black hooded sweatshirt (small white emblem in corner), black sweatpants (small white emblem on pant leg), black shoes and gloves. The second suspect was a dark-skinned male, wearing black hat (possibly Calvin Klein brand), black ski mask, black jacket with multiple white stripes going down both sleeves, black pants, dark in color sneakers, gloves, and is observed holding a crowbar. There were no other reported proceeds.

January 4, 2024 (Ward Place): The resident reported that her home surveillance captured two individuals attempting to enter her home. Surveillance shows that the incident occurred at approximately 4:00 AM. Two individuals were seen attempting to gain entry through a first-floor window. The suspects were unable to enter the home and left the property.

Criminal Mischief

January 31, 2024 (Valley Road): The complainant reported that an unknown individual smeared feces all over the driver’s side window and driver’s side door handle of her vehicle. In addition, there appeared to be a long scratch on the driver’s side of her car. The vehicle was parked legally at the time of the incident. There is no suspect description.

MV Crime

February 3, 2024 Inwood Avenue: The resident entered his vehicle at 6:00 AM and discovered that it had been entered overnight. A bag containing Pickleball paddles and sneakers was stolen.
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