Nutley Police Advisory - 1/8/24

Posted Tue, Jan 9, 2024, From Nutley Police

Police Director Alphonse Petracco and Chief Thomas Strumolo are warning residents that possession and use of illegal fireworks remain a criminal violation in New Jersey.

Chief Strumolo said that although legislation allows for certain fireworks which include combustible or explosive composition, or any substance prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect. With the exception of sparklers, party poppers and novelty devices that remain on the ground most fireworks are illegal in New Jersey. Anyone that possesses fireworks with the exception of novelty devices can be charged with a petty disorderly persons offense up to fourth degree crime that could result in 18 months imprisonment and a 10,000.00 fine.

Director Petracco said in addition to being against the law, we have received numerous complaints, of fireworks being set off during evening hours.

Safety remains our number one concern, second to the disruption and property damage they are causing our residents.

The Chief and I wish everyone a happy, healthy and safe New Year.
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