Edgewater Recreation Activities for 2024

Posted Tue, Jan 2, 2024, From Borough of Edgewater
With the new year right around the corner, Edgewater Recreation wants to show you everything that we have to offer this new year!

Yoga with Marina Sky: Any Age welcome to apply, classes are every Wednesday at 6pm and Sunday at 11am. Start date is Wednesday January 3rd at 6pm. Registration is done online at www.MindMyYoga.com.

Bee's Creative Art class: For ages 5-11, classes are every Wednesday at 4:10pm - 5pm. First class starts on January 10th and second class starts on February 7th. Registration is done online at www.beescreativeartstudio.com.

Bollywood Dance Shehanaaz: For ages 3-12 as well as an adult only class, just make sure you register for the correct age group. Four sessions are available, ages 3.5 to 4.5 at 5pm-5:45, ages 5 to 7 at 5:45pm-6:15, ages 7.5-12 at 6:15pm-7, and the adult session at 6:15pm-7:15. Registration done at www.sdajc.com/edgewater-instudio-classes.

Tai Chi with Master Ted: Any age welcome to apply. Beginner classes are every Tuesday at 11am-12, and intermediate classes are every Thursday 11am-12. Registration can be done online via email at ted@njtaichi.org or visit the website at www.njtaichi.org, walk-ins are acceptable.

TechRoots Coding Class: For ages 5-12. Classes are held Mondays at 5:30pm-6:30pm. Classes start Monday January 8th until Monday February 12th. Registration is done online, please scan the QR code attached to the flyer to be brought to the registration Page.

MyGym: For toddlers ages 5 months-3 years. Classes are at 10am and are held every other Wednesday starting Jan 3rd until March 6th. Registration is done on Community Pass, Once registered you are able to attend all the classes for the current season.

Hot Volleyball: For grades 6th-12th. Classes will be held Sunday Mornings at 10am starting Sunday, January 10th and will continue until February 10th. Registration is done online at www.hotvolleyballnyc.com, or you can call coach Traci at 646-418-4926.No flyer yet, more details available on website.
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