East Rutherford Woman Arrested for Insurance Fraud

Posted Fri, Feb 3, 2023, From Passaic County Prosecutor's Office
Brianna Ribaudo
Brianna Ribaudo

Passaic County Prosecutor Camelia M. Valdes announces the arrest of Ms. Brianna Ribaudo, 27 years-old from East Rutherford, New Jersey. Ms. Ribaudo was arrested on February 3, 2023, after an investigation conducted by the Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office Insurance Fraud Unit. Ms. Ribaudo is charged with one count of third-degree Insurance Fraud.

On October 9, 2019, the Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office received a report that Ms. Ribaudo provided false information in furtherance of obtaining and maintaining insurance coverage for multiple motor vehicles. The investigation revealed that Ms. Ribaudo obtained coverage for vehicles that she had no ownership interest.

The sentencing exposure on third degree Insurance Fraud is three to five years in New Jersey State Prison.

Ms. Ribaudo was processed and released and will be appearing in Central Judicial Processing Court within two weeks.

The complaint is merely an accusation. Despite the accusation, defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

The Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office asks anyone with additional information about this incident or other incidents regarding this individual to contact us on our tips line at 1-877-370-PCPO.
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