Old River Rd Sewer Project

Posted Tue, Jun 20, 2023, From Borough of Edgewater
Notice to Residents
Construction Notice

Re: Edgewater Department of Public Works
Old River Rd Sewer Project

Kindly be advised that on June 22nd 2023, Joseph M. Sanzari, Inc. will be installing sewer pipe on Old River Rd from Riverside Pl, cross Gorge Rd to Hudson Park. Please note that this project will be performed in conjunction with the Borough of Edgewater. Please note that receipt of this notice signifies that you are within the work area. Working hours are 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. Please be advised the roadway will be closed during this time. We would respectfully request that during this time residents avoid the area. Residents within the affected area, may experience delays in entering and exiting the streets, walkways and driveways in the surrounding area of this operation. We apologize for this inconvenience.

Parking will be prohibited throughout the construction Zone and Notice have been posted throughout the affected areas during the construction process. This is for your safety. Please be mindful of the working hours as specified within these notices. We will do everything possible to accommodate you and a supervisor will be onsite to provide you with any assistance that you may require.

Remember that these construction improvements have been implemented to provide the residents, businesses and visitors, of Edgewater with the latest upgrades in utility and sewer standards. Through the installation of these pipes, service will be greatly improved. We would appreciate your patience and understanding and would ask for your continued support throughout this endeavor.

Should you require any additional information please feel free to contact Neglia Engineering or Joseph M Sanzari Inc:

Neglia Engineering 201-939-8805

Very truly yours,
Joseph M. Sanzari, Inc.

Craig Orenchuk
Project Manager
201-342-6895 x 252
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