Statement from Mayor Steven Fulop on Protecting Liberty State Park

Posted Thu, May 25, 2023, From Jersey City Mayor's Office
Official Statement by Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop

"Our administration is thankful to the Governor and Commissioner Shawn LaTourette for what appears to be a win for everyone with a balance between active recreation and preserving all the qualities that have made Liberty State Park special. Our administration is also in lockstep with the NJDEP in opposing privatization, and we are thankful to see such a strong statement from the state. Importantly, our team is also thankful for the state's willingness to work with us on our concerns that we referenced in our letter last week around the specific proposed flood mitigation ideas as we want to guarantee we protect the park and SciTech Scity from water without sacrificing an unnecessary amount of acreage. Yesterday was a huge step in the right direction for Jersey City and New Jersey."
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