Millburn Police Press Release May 12, 2023

Posted Fri, May 12, 2023, From Millburn Police
Press Release May 12, 2023

On April 20, 2023, at 6:30 pm, Millburn Police Officer Jezewski responded to Sunglass Hut at the Mall at Short Hills for a report of shoplifting. Sunglass Hut associates reported that a hispanic male concealed Versace sunglasses, value $345, and left the store with a hispanic female without paying. The suspects were located in the mall and the investigation led to the arrest of Nelson Bauza, age 31, of Bronx, NY, and Jarolyn Diaz, age 33, of Newark. Bauza was charged with Shoplifting and CDS offenses, and Diaz was charged with receiving stolen property and possession of an antishoplifting device. Both subjects were later released on their own recognizance.

On April 20, 2023, at 7:34 pm, Millburn Police Officer Griffin responded to Louis Vuitton at the Mall at Short Hills for a report of shoplifting. Louis Vuitton associates reported that two black males concealed a purse, value $2640, and left the store without paying. A suspect matching one of the descriptions was located in the mall and the investigation led to the arrest of Nafis McPherson, age 25, of Philadelphia, PA. McPherson was charged with Shoplifting, conspiracy and possession of an antishoplifting devise. McPherson was later released on his own recognizance.

On April 22, 2023, at 1:05 pm, Millburn Police Officer Matos responded to Sephora at the Mall at Short Hills for a report of theft. Sephora associates reported that Brittany Berry, age 21, of West Orange, concealed $328.00 and left the store without paying. Berry was placed under arrest and charged with shoplifting. She was later released on her own recognizance.

On May 1, 2023, Millburn Police Officer Nacim responded to a Kilmer Drive residence on a report of attempted burglary to the residence. The resident reported that at 04:39 am, two unknown suspects broke the front window of his home as they were trying to open it. The males then fled to an awaiting dark colored sedan. This incident remains under investigation by the Millburn Police Detective Bureau.

On May 2, 2023, at 2:00 pm, Millburn Police Officer Kelly responded to Sunglass Hut at the Mall at Short Hills for a report of shoplifting. Sunglass Hut associates reported that two hispanic females concealed Burberry sunglasses, value $335, and left the store with without paying. The investigation led to the arrest of Deybi Rodruiguez-Fajadro, age 41 of Miami, Fla, who took possession of the sunglasses from the females. The females were unable to be located. Rodruiguez-Fajadro was charged with receiving stolen property and later released on his own recognizance. This incident remains under investigation by the Millburn Police Detective Bureau.

On May 8, 2023, Millburn Police Officer Carroll responded to parking lot J at the Mall at Shot Hills on a report of burglary to a vehicle. The owner reported that someone entered his unlocked Hyundai and stole a pair of Hermes Sandals that he had just purchased, value $1400. This incident remains under investigation by the Millburn Police Detective Bureau.

On May 9, 2023, at 10:15 am Millburn Police Officer Catinella responded to a Ridgewood Road residence on a report of burglary to the home. Officers discovered that unknown actors entered the home through a second story window, but it was unknown if anything was missing at the time of this report. This incident remains under investigation by the Millburn Police Detective Bureau.

On May 9, 2023, at 3:00 pm, Millburn Police Officer Kelly responded to a Sagamore Road residence on a suspicious male. The resident reported that he observed a black male wearing green clothing and black glasses on his porch, peering in his windows at 10:50 am. He though the male was trying to break in, so he confronted the male, who threatened him with a rock and left the area. This incident remains under investigation by the Millburn Police Detective Bureau.

On May 9, 2023 at 10:07 pm, Millburn Police Officer Recinos responded to single vehicle crash on the ramp from JFK parkway to Rte 124. The investigation led to the arrest of John Ripperger, age 62, of Summit for suspicion of driving while intoxicated. Ripperger was charged with DWI and later released to an acquaintance.

On May 11, 2023 at 2:00 pm, Millburn Police Officer Matos stopped a blue Volkwagon Jetta at the Mall at Short Hills, Lot J, for suspicious activity. The investigation led to the arrest of Russel Hamlet, age 43, of Irvington, for suspicion driving while intoxicated. Hamlet was charged with DWI and later released to an acquaintance.

These are accusations. All defendants are presumed innocent unless and until they enter a guilty plea or are found guilty in a court of law.
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