Saint Peter's Prep Dramatics presents RENT

Date and Time
Thu, Mar 13, 2025, 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM
144 Grand Street, Jersey City, NJ, 07302
Cost Tickets range from $10.00 to $1,068.91
Organized by Saint Peter's Prep
Saint Peter's Prep Dramatics presents RENT

To purchase tickets, sponsorships or ads, please pick a date first and choose your options.


Adults: $20.00

Students/Children: $15.00

Students: $10.00 (Opening Night ONLY - Thursday March 13, 2025)

The SPP Spring Musical has gone green and no paper tickets will be available. If you purchased your tickets online, just provide your name at registration. In addition, tickets will be available for purchase the day of.

RENT Musical Sponsorships

Producer - $1,000

  • Full-page color ad
  • 10 reserved seats for two nights of your choice
  • Playbill signed by the cast and the musical T-shirt
  • Reserved parking for two vehicles

Director - $750

  • Full-page color ad
  • 8 reserved seats to two nights of your choice
  • Playbill signed by the cast and the musical T-shirt
  • Reserved parking for two vehicles

Playwright- $500

  • Full-page color ad
  • 6 reserved seats to one night of your choice
  • Playbill signed by the cast and the musical T-shirt

Ensemble - $250

  • Half-page color ad in musical playbill
  • 4 tickets to one night of your choice
  • Playbill signed by the cast and the musical T-shirt

Patron - $100

  • 2 tickets to one night of your choice
  • Playbill signed by the cast.


  • Full-page Ad - $75.00
  • Half-page Ad - $40.00

You can shout out the cast/crew for just $5.00 per shoutout. Click here to submit a shoutout !

Deadline to purchase sponsorships or ads is February 28, 2025.


If you are unable to attend but would like to donate, please pick a date, and the donation option will appear under the tickets.

For more information on ticket sales, donations, or the musical, please contact Ms. Dalma Santana at


Mr. Adam Bouley, Director
Ms. Emily Fencik, Music Director
Ms. Dalma Santana, Co-Producer
Ms. Jaimee Laurie, Co-Producer
Mr. Connor Russell, Choreographer

Category: Live Entertainment
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