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Palisades "Lite" 7 miles [Read Parking Update]

Date and Time
Sat, Jul 27, 2024, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
State Line Lookout, Alpine, NJ
Organized by Hiking, Biking, Camping & Music
When the going gets tough, the tough go...the other way. We are taking the gloves off for this one (really). The loop starts and ends at the spectacularly situated State-line Lookout Point. We first descend 600 feet via some hair-raising stairs to the water's edge, just as we do for the other (infamous) Palisades hike. When we reach the water's edge, we will head south, taking-in spectacular riverscapes. Brief stops at the Alpine Boat Basin, and Kearney House. Just because there are no rock scrambles, don't assume this is a cake walk. At the Alpine Boat Basin, we will take the Closter Dock trail back to the cliff-top (you knew there will be an ascent, didn't you?) and return by Long Path, stopping briefly at the Women's Federation Monument. About 7 miles total, 900 ft net elevation gain. Let's meet at the State-line Lookout Point Parking Lot about 10 minutes ahead for departure at 10:00 am! Bring plenty of water and snacks, and appropriate seasonal items (sun- and insect-protection in summer, and crampons in winter). Day-of-hike-only phone: 973-704-7362.
Noe: Depending on conditions, we might do this hike counterclockwise, which means the hike ends in a steep 600 ft climb.

\*Parking update:\* There is metered parking at State Line Lookout. You can use ParkMobile App, or a credit card to pay. If you are 62+ you can get a yearly pass for $5 (for info, see: It's a bargain, OK boomer?

Bring plenty of water and snacks, and appropriate seasonal items (sun- and insect-protection in summer, and crampons in winter). Day-of-hike-only phone: 973-704-7362.
\*\*Note\*\* We hike at a moderate pace, and never leave anyone behind. Our hikes are not suitable for fast hikers who like to forge ahead of the group.
\*\*To join our hikes, you must enable Meetup messaging with organizers (see "New to hiking" link below), and must post a profile image that can be used to recognize you. If you do not, you may be removed from Going list.
\*\*By signing up for this event you are acknowledging that you have read and accepted the posted HBCM legal disclaimer:
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Category: Nature, Fitness & Exercise
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